For all those Americans thinking of travelling to Australia... Please be aware of the following -
Information for American Tourists heading to Australia
by misspeaches 19 Replies latest jw friends
nothing shows
not even the little red x-in-a-box.
Does that mean that there is nothing for us American's to see in Australia???
-Aude. -
Oh really? darn - I can see them I wonder what I've done wrong....? I'll try fix it.
uh huh! I think you should be able to see the pics now....
Cute. I can see them now.
-Aude. -
Dreadfully disappointing there, little miss peaches! I shall have to eat extra shrimps to make up for the lack of domesticated kangaroo experiences that I was promised after paying my $4,500 air-fare and hotel accomodations up front.
I wonder if there is a limit on b-b-q shrimps?
You do still have the talking Koala Bears don't you?
And I thought in Australia one finds the world's most poisonous snakes such as the copperheads that bite repeatedly, I was expecting to see some of these LOL
LOL @ JeannieBeanz... Sorry Jeannie you have been led astray. Here we call them 'Prawns' not 'Shrimp'. I'm not so sure about the talking Koala's but don't say nobody has warned you about the drop bears. A word of advice - be very very careful when wandering around our native eucalypts...
Greendawn... Sorry to disappoint. We are pretty civilised here all in all... Most of the snakes are in the rural towns.
Hmmm.....I did try the Morton Bay Bugs when I was over there. Creepy lookin little dudes.
I surfed me arse off for 3 weeks there. The waves rocked!!! I love Sydney, Brisbane, and Melbourne! -
hey miss peaches what part of S.A. are you from im met my ex hubby there at the convention. es