Does anyone know what day the release is made. I'm planning on making a showing at the DC but don't want to go to all of it. I'll go to the part that has the releases so that I can get one. Also, does anyone know where the schedule for the DC is. I think I saw it posted here once, but I have a Mac and can't do a search. Thanks!
New Convention Publication All About Basic Doctrines
by minimus 31 Replies latest jw friends
Now is that an oxymoron since JWs only study WT publications and never the Bible.
Blondie, you know that is not entirely true. The reason some JWS have questions about the Societies teachings is that they have read and studied the Bible independently of WTS publications.
My mother told me today that she has recieved the new publication (I don't know the name of it yet) and it's all about knowing what basic doctrines JWs believe in.
It is designed to help those of us who have been studying the bible without any help from the Faithful Deceitful Slave in Crooklyn, N.Y. to see the error of believing the bible and not the Governing Body of Apostate Witlesses.
That title is hilarious. Its like "you've read the book now see the movie: What does the bible Really teach"
Naw man, naw see I know you've read it, but what does it really say?
Blondie, you know that is not entirely true. The reason some JWS have questions about the Societies teachings is that they have read and studied the Bible independently of WTS publications.
And that was the first step down the road of doubts and out the door. Fairmind, the number of JWs that do this are so small either due to being too busy study WTS publications or joined the WTS precisely because they wanted others to do their thinking for them. I said the above somewhat tongue in cheek. But I am willing to bet there is only 1 out of a 100 JWs that study the Bible apart from the WT publications. (I was the one in my congregation)
So, min, they are going to look at the trinity and hellfire. Didn't the Knowledge book skip over those basic doctrines? Hell(fire) is not even discussed and only one paragraph for the trinity.
Knowledge Book chap. 3 pp. 30-31 Who Is the True God?/JEHOVAH OUR GOD IS ONE"
The ancient Egyptians worshiped many gods, but Jehovah is "a God exacting exclusive devotion." (Exodus 20:5) Moses reminded the Israelites that "Jehovah our God is one Jehovah." (Deuteronomy 6:4) Jesus Christ repeated those words. (Mark 12:28, 29) Therefore, those who accept the Bible as God’s Word do not worship a Trinity consisting of three persons or gods in one. In fact, the word "Trinity" does not even appear in the Bible. The true God is one Person, separate from Jesus Christ. (John 14:28; 1 Corinthians 15:28) God’s holy spirit is not a person. It is Jehovah’s active force, used by the Almighty to accomplish his purposes.—Genesis 1:2; Acts 2:1-4, 32, 33; 2 Peter 1:20, 21. -
i swear they have a computer program that compiles most of the stuff in their recent publications for them. then some junior writing dept grunt, goes through with a trowel and smooths rough edges, before passing it onto GB for stamp of approval.
"what does the bible really teach?" - "what does Jaracz's a$$ teach after Taco Time?"
A new WTS publication, "What does the Bible really teach."
Now is that an oxymoron since JWs only study WT publications and never the Bible.
This is in line with the "important broadcasts" on TV-----that when they are all done---need to have the network's own interpreters come on for yet another 1/2 hour to tell you what was said.............
Let me guess:
Chapter One:
The World is crap.
Chapter Two:
Its all because of an angel who wanted his own way. Then it was the woman's fault. If you are a woman, we deny this assertion.
Chapter Three:
Jehovah. YHWH. Our bible has been doctored to show you how that name is really important. (and by the way, Jesus isn't that important so get that out of your head right now!)
Chapter Four:
Are you used to answering the mind-numbing questions at the bottom of paragraphs yet? Yes? Good. Now lets get down to it.
Chapter Five:
1914 / Our prophesies are all true / Worldwide brotherhood / sweetness and light. Do you want to come to the Kingdom Hall?
Chapter Six:
Smoking is evil. Drinking is evil. Sex is evil. Religion is evil because its controlled by Satan. Birthdays are evil. Christmas is VERY evil. Basically anything we say is evil, is evil. Got it?
Chapter Seven:
Are you putting on the new personality? This involves avoiding anything we say is evil and attending the hall and making contributions to the Worldwide Work (TM). Then you must get dunked. You never know when Jehovah is going to kill everyone and if you're not dunked he might just think you're too evil.
Chapter Eight:
Living according to the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society. Do what we say. If you don't we will F**K your life up no end. OK?
I dont know whether anyone has said this already...if so my apologies, but do you think that the reason for a publication on basic doctrines is to make the transition from study to publisher quicker than normal?