This takes balls....

by chrissy 36 Replies latest jw friends

  • sweet tee
    sweet tee
    no way am I going to let the wts continue to control my thought processes. Besides, they are the ones lying to 6 million people...what do I have to hide?

    You GO Crissy! That's right, you don't have to hide who you are anymore. No need to prentend to be a brain dead book-seller who enjoys peddling books and magazines and trying to explain things you really can't believe.j


    And welcome to the board if I haven't said so already.

  • devinsmom

    Welcome, you'll meet cool like-minded people here. Now gets to postin'.


  • jt stumbler
    jt stumbler

    Very Nice..

  • hubert

    I have a daughter that is in dentistry, and we are going to find your dental records, and find out just who you are.

    Only kidding, of course. (Nice teeth)

    Nice face, too ! Welcome to the board.


  • whyamihere

    If that is true...I can't see or find my Balls!

    Elsewhere help me find them!


  • GetBusyLiving

    Cute face!

    Man it is soo nice to see more and more people coming out lately. We're winning.


  • Dismembered

    Nice Chrissy


  • catchthis

    It feels soooo good to come out. I think posting your pic is pretty much the last stage of coming out. I'm sure many others here would like to, but cannot just yet. Hell, I was in that position for five years on this board. I finally got the nads to post my pic. Unfortunately, I guess I wasn't that famous while I was a JW. No one recognizes me. (unless all of my old friends are still hardcore jw's)

  • Netty

    From that angle you kinda look like Mariah Carey, very pretty! Good for you.

  • mkr32208

    Wait I think I know you don't you go to the ______ congregation...

    just kidding!

    Wish I did know ya yer a hottie!

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