An elders wife told my wife today that yes there are young anointed people because they are replacements for those who have fallen away. She also said that if an anointed should fall away and then get reinstated they are still anointed. I can just picture Jesus spending 6 months or so picking out a suitable replacement in disgust at the one he picked first time around fell away. So he spends all this time looking for the perfect candidate, then bam joe disfellowshipped anointed gets reinstated. I guess then he has to un-anoint his new guy. Any thoughts?
Anointed disfellowshipping replacement reinstatement
by gringojj 20 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
This is where the Dubs come up against the christian belief that God is always in control. To a dub, their god Jehovah, doesn't know how a person will turn out so he's bound by the same guessing and estimating that the rest of us are bound by!
I love your thought here it makes me laugh so loud it is not believable. I'll use this question and have some fun thanks. O Ya forgot to answer your question. so many that claim to be of the anointed seem to not have it all up stairs. This exsplains it for me. Jesus said yes, then no, then yes,....that is why they seem so mental Jesus keeps changing his mind.
If someone who has been DF'd can be of the "anointed", the next time my mom gets on me about "going back to the KH" --I think I'll tell her I'm going to. I think I've had the calling!!
That should shut her up!! I think I'm special enough to partake of the wine and bread!!
I think I'd better get my tequilia out, I need a shot or 3 now. But I do believe I've found the magic way to at least shut her up some!!!
I'll only believe it if I see it in the
bibleWT. -
Let me get this one correctly-
So.... if I get reinstated, some ofther SOB will not go up in the clouds. I partook 2 years with the dubs, and then I DA'ed, so if i understand correctly, some other brother/sister gets that gig; and then I come back a generation later... poor bastard. WTF religion!!!!!!!!!!!!
No lawrence,
As a once annointed apostate you fall into the sad catagory of one who has been "enlightened once and for all time" and have rejected/grieved the hs. The best you can hope for according to dub lore is the lake of fire AKA second death.
bwhahahahahahahhahah Mawhahahahahhahahahhhhahah
I bet your worried now huh? Yet? Ok,,,,, now?
What I find very funny is, how many old-timer anointed ones really fall away? If we follow the 1935 cutoff point, we're talking about folks who are in their 90's. I'm sorry, but I have never heard of a 90+something year old bro/sis getting whacked due to apostacy, let alone anything else.
If we account for the steady stream of replacements that have been accumulating over the past few decades, that 8k number isn't going away anytime soon. The mortality rate of those over 90 is increasing fast. The amount of replacements that are coming in are basically matching those who are falling away. If we follow the numbers alone, they tell us that just about every anointed person is indeed falling away. I wonder how the WTS would explain that one? Ooops, my bad - we don't know who the "real" anointed are and who are not. That's what the WTS would say...
they tell us that just about every anointed person is indeed falling away. I wonder how the WTS would explain that one?
They've been strangely quiet at addressing this one, haven't they? I wonder why?!!
I once heard it explained this way:
Someone becomes anointed, becomes one of the 144,000.
He sins, falls away, gets disfellowshipped, whatever.
He is still considered "anointed", and is counted as one of the 144,000, even while outside of "the truth", until death. His "spot" in the group of 144,000 is kind of "reserved" for him. He can get reinstated any time at all, up to the point of his death, and still gets the ticket to heaven.
But, if he dies, that's it--he died out of God's favor, so no trip to heaven.
At that time, the time of his death, a replacement anointed person is selected.
So, you might have a guy who was anointed in 1930, got D-F'ed in 1970, never went back, but only died in 2005.
And voila! Suddenly, in 2005, there is a need for a new anointed one, to replace the one who hadn't been in the org. since 1970, but whose spot in the 144,000 still had his name on it.
Don't ask me about the logic of the above, this ws just how it was explained.