Showey Display

by LouBelle 22 Replies latest jw friends

  • rebel8

    I think it is ok to do, but wierd.

    I know your point about some people being showy. I think they have the same idea the Israelites had for putting unfashionable fringe on their garments (per the WTS version anyway)--to purposely show they are different, to set themselves apart.

    That is distasteful to me personally. A person can pray without doing it in a way that draws attention. I guess I wonder why people opt for the more attention-drawing approach when another approach is available.

    I similarly have difficulty when dubs attend funerals or weddings in a church they know stands for prayers, plunk themselves down and refuse to stand up. That draws attention. They could easily sit in the back so as not to be disruptive, or just stand in the back for the whole ceremony, or not come at all. Yet they choose to use the most attention-drawing approach when other approaches are available.

    I see no logical reason to put on a show in public unless you're trying to use it as a stage to show off your religiosity.

  • LouBelle

    Paulj - I can just picture you (not that I know what you look like but work with me) staring into space, wide eyed, not blinking saying your prayer

    Sweet T - That is commendable (gosh I sound like an elder) But it's like he's trying to make a deliberate point.

    Luna - he'd bow his head for ages....while we sit and wait - cos we don't want to be rude and eat without him

    TheListener - oh how I see myself in your words.

    You know what words also spring to mind - I think it's in the book of Matt where Jesus is saying If you do something in public your reward will be in full & men will glorify you, but rather do something in private where no one sees but the Father,

  • Krista

    Hi Loubelle,

    I agree totally with your line of thinking here.


  • BrendaCloutier

    My parents never prayed in a public place over their meals. My dad was a long-time elder. Family elders (bro and bro-in-law) don't either. For the same reasons you have brought up.

    However, when it comes to family dinners of my own inlaws - never witnesses and never religious - it STILL after 28 years feels weird to not pray, especially at Thanksgiving and Christmas holiday dinners.

  • upside/down

    The sad thing is he attributes his good fortune of having such a good person as you help him secure employment....

    He'll give all the credit to his undeserving and impotent "God".

    Probably get up at an assembly and be used as an example of one who "Trusts in J". When in fact it was YOU!

    u/d (of the go into your private room and pray class)

  • Sunspot


    Do you KNOW how hard it is to laugh when eating potato salad??????

    Ennyway..........this is how I used to pray---at Burger King, etc. I'd pretend to fish around for something in my purse, or stayed a few more minutes than needed when getting straws and napkins before sitting down!

    Not very respectful, but it was what I did.


  • katiekitten

    I went for a run round the field at the back of my house the other day and there was a moslem cricket team about to start, and they were all in a row facing east bums in the air (like they just don' care...) Well my first reaction was to try and pull my t-shirt over my knees as I ran past, cos I know how those guys think the sight of a womans body is a disgusting thing (even tho I know my body is the least disgusting thing in a 10 mile radius )

    But then later I thought, well I didnt ask them to bob to allah on my running track, and I also thought that god bobbin' takes a lot of nuts.

    So mixed feelings really, respect, awe, pain-in-the-assness (is that a feeling?) I guess it takes all sorts.

    BUT - when I see witnoids doing their thing in public it really pisses me off - I think because of the emotional connections of been having forced to do it myself.

  • sweet tee
    sweet tee
    You're right about this sweet tee. My dad "blesses" his food, and he doesn't even go to church. All my family members in North Carolina are deeply religious (Baptist) and the same goes for them.

    chia - I didn't know if it was just a Michigan thing or what? lol . They can almost make you feel quilty for not blessing your food! Actually, some overlyrighteous will call you out on it.

    lula - I understand what you're saying still. To bow your head long enough for everyone in the place to wonder what the h**l is wrong with you is beyond a blessing "dearlordthankyouforthefoodinjesusnameamen" That's all it takes.

    I remeber once my husband was giving one of the AA prayers (Adam to Armageddon) and my two year old daughter started patting him on the arm saying mAmen daddy, mAmen

  • Why Georgia
    Why Georgia

    My parents are new born again Xtians....they pray out in restaurants, they pray over snacks.

    When I went out with them and their Friday night church group for dinner the pastor stood up in the restaurant and led the prayer.

    I wanted to crawl under the table...

    I'm not ashamed to pray...I just don't need everybody seeing me do it..

  • Es

    my dad prays all the time luckily i dont go out with them much anymore but man was it embarrasing es

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