Starting diet again.

by greendawn 30 Replies latest jw friends

  • Gill

    I don't know if Gaviscon uses magnesium but I believe it may be aluminium instead.

    Milk of magnesia contains magnesium as it's a way to get magnesium into a child that may be deficient with mg.

    I find that mg oxide is the best way to take mg as you only absorb about half of it so it's less likely to give you the runs. Mg citrate is very good. You do absorb a lot more of it so possibly need less.

  • pennycandy

    I would love to have somewhere, maybe this thread(?) to track our progress. I'm down 14 pounds so far, with about 15 more to go to get my pre-childbirthX3 body back.

    Oh, knowledgeable Gill, if you're still here and willing to share, my problem is a life-long sweettooth. My diet is pretty good, but my sugar cravings are ENORMOUS. Even when cutting out processed sugar, I'm sure I could probably adjust what I eat to help alleviate it. Doesn't any carbs I eat have the same effect on my cravings as sugar? Low-calorie is not a big problem for me, smaller portions are not a problem, exercise is not a problem. I just spend all day dying for pancakes or a jelly biscuit or chocolate.

    Neomadman, excuse me for being nosey, but your love story sounds very interesting. Have you posted it to the board? Would you like to? Congratulations on your amazing progress!

    Good luck everyone else! I'll be watching how it's going with you guys.

  • Gill

    Hi Pennycandy - It's hard to say why you crave sugar without knowing a bit more about you, perhaps more than you'll sensibly want to say. But it's still interesting that you crave chocolate amongst your sweet things. Just try the magnesium supplements for a start. They're really inexpensive. Go for a magnesium oxide. If you can get them in 100mg tablets experiement spaceing up to six out throughout the day.

    Some dieters just continue to crave sugar and can relieve that by keeping a few hard boiled sweets around to suck. Sugar is a 'brain fuel'. In the UK we tend to allow kids to eat sweet during exams. Your brain gets a buzz from sugar. Also, hard boiled sweets that you suck for quite a few minutes are quite satisfying and very low in calories and really, no fat to speak of. No reason why someone on a diet shouldn't eat a couple of sweets a day! Enjoy.

    Also dieters are often thirsty and not hungry. Their brains mistake the message. It starts to crave sugar, or you believe that it's craving sugar, and really its craving water and you feed yourself instead of rehydrating yourself. Your brain NEEDs water. Before reaching for the sugary snack, try an experiment and drink a large glass of water, or water with a fruit squash in it.

    Look at yourself and see if you might really be very thirsty rather than wanting sugar.

    Hope it helps.

  • LouBelle

    Greendawn - the question for me is WHAT diet haven't I tried. I've done injections, pills, milkshakes, diets to blood type, squished & rolled, dr atkins, dr cohen - you name it I've done it.

    Best one I ever was on - which is quite strict - cut out cards and follow a protein low fat diet. I'll give you a breakdown of the diet if you want - it's strict but it works if you stick to it doll ( I lost 18 kgs in 2 months on this diet!!!!!) I'll pm you tomorrow.

    *set reminder in mobile to bring in diet*

  • pennycandy

    Going to Whole Foods later, so I'll look into the supplements. Thanks, Gill.

    Great tips, everyone. Here's another: after dinner, brush your teeth and put on your pajamas. Psychologically telling yourself you're done with eating for the day.

    I'm not a big nut-eater, but a couple tablespoons at about 120 calories is a great snack. They may contain quite a bit of fat, but pack a great appetite-suppresing punch. And nuts like Brazilians are good for your heart.

  • HadEnuf

    Last spring I lost 30 lbs. (Which is just a dent in the fat so to speak). Then I had a knee replacement and since then gained back the 30 lbs. plus an extra 10 for good measure. (Knee replacement did not go well. Need old knee back but I guess they threw it away; or maybe it's in a jar somewhere being studied). Go figure.

    I'm built for comfort...not for speed.

    cathy l.

  • whyamihere

    Mumsy you are beautiful!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I am going back on my diet plan again! I need to. I have lost track and will!

    I used to work out for hours and I mean hours with no problem. Now when I get to a hour and a half I am tired!

    "Lose you Butt and Lose your Gut get yourself toned then be boned!"


  • jeanniebeanz


    Actually, I'm down 17.3 lbs since April 23 using a modified version of the Scarsdale diet. I added non-fat milk cause I can't stand black coffee (one must have their caffeine!) and I eat an extra piece of the protein bread, but other than that (and the occational Eskimo Pie ) Ive stuck to it.

    I also make sure to take a strong multivitamin with iron and drink lots of water.


  • NeonMadman
    Neomadman, excuse me for being nosey, but your love story sounds very interesting. Have you posted it to the board? Would you like to? Congratulations on your amazing progress!

    I've certainly posted it at least in parts. Not sure I could quickly locate a post that gives a lot of details. The essence of it is that my current wife and I dated during my senior year of high school (her junior year). I took her to my senior prom in May of 1969. After that, we stopped dating, not because I didn't want to be with her, but because I was in the process of becoming a JW, and as you know, "worldly" girlfriends were frowned upon. I was baptized 2 months after the prom. I did my JW thing, she went off to college a year later. I ran into her in town once or twice over the next few years when she was home from school, and we were friendly but nothing ever happened.

    In 1977, I found her address in Manhattan, and actually went there to "drop in" on her just to see if she would still be interested in me (at that point, I was sufficiently fed up with the way the JWs treated people that I was again considering a "worldly" girlfriend). As I found out later, she had moved to New Jersey only a couple of weeks prior to that, and I never made contact.

    A month after that, I met a JW girl, and eventually married her, beginning 23 years in the hell that JWs don't think exists. My ex is a diehard JW, won't listen to anything negative about the org, and sees demons behind every bush. She thinks that witches are following her around all the time to get her to join their coven - because as one of God's "true people" she would be quite a prize. Besides that, she was explosive and violent.

    In 1994 we were involved in an auto accident, and both ended up getting massage therapy as part of the treatment for our injuries. Turns out she was getting some, uh, "special attention" from her (male) therapist, if you get my drift. She kept going back to him weekly for 10 months, then tried to claim that he had "molested" her. She even went to the police, who laughed at her - a woman in her 40's who is being "molested" doesn't keep going back. The therapist eventually did end up in jail for giving some of his special attention to a teenage girl who complained the first time. She went to the elders and claimed that the therapist was a witch who had cast spells on her to force her to keep coming, and the elders bought it.

    Anyway, in 2000 she heard a talk at the summer convention that made her realize that her activities with the massage therapist could be regarded as porneia, and could be grounds for divorce. We were now in a new congregation, and she went to the new set of elders and confessed that - guess what - it wasn't the spells after all, but she had been a willing participant. These elders also bought the revised story and told her she was free to get a divorce if she wanted. Which she promptly did. I think the real intent was to force me back to the Kingdom Hall (I had become inactive by that time and was gaining a reputation as an apostate - though a lot of the reputation was her doing). But there was no way I was going back. So we divorced, and she took everything she could get in terms of property and money - and she basically got it all, plus lifetime alimony.

    A few months after we split, I started wondering about my high school sweetheart whom I had not seen in 30 years. I had seen her name on, but never connected with her. But around this same time, my father had died, and some of my relatives gathered at my cousin's house on New Years Day of 2001. My uncle brought a big box of pictures, photos of family from generations back, some I had never heard of. But there was one picture from prom nite. The two of us standing in front of my friend's 1967 Firebird, which I had borrowed to take her to the prom. I looked at it a lot, and thought about it a lot...then I went home and emailed her. And she responded. Turns out she had been widowed a few years earlier. We had dinner together about a month later for the first time I had seen her in over 30 years. And on October 7, 2001, we were married. My (now inactive) JW daughter (the only good thing to come out of my first marriage) stood up for me at the wedding.

    So yeah, it really is a happy ending.

  • pennycandy

    What a story! Sometimes you have to wait quite a while for a happy ending, huh? Glad you found your happiness.

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