Hot disputes

by greendawn 11 Replies latest jw friends

  • whyamihere

    Well........... Why yes I have!

    It was last March. One day My husband told me he smelled Gas downstairs in our basement. We thought it might have been a gas leak. Well I call Public Service. They came out and said there is no Gas leak and everything is fine. However, they said there is CO2 all over the house. Numbers were very high. They opened up all the windows turned off my heat and said to take my kids to the hospital for a blood test(just to make sure). I was also told not to turn on my heat until I had someone look at my boiler(old house).

    Well I called up the Company and told them what was going on. This Secretary tells me...."Oh it is not an Emergency"...I was shocked thinking ummmmm hello people can die from this it is still march I live in Wisconsin it is only 20 out side. She says well he is on a call right now...and these people have no heat so they are first in line.

    Well that was it....I gave her my 30 seconds of NICE. I let her have it I told her off. I said a few things that made her cry a little and she called up my husband said I was "unreasonable" wrote me a letter....LOL. Am I that mean? I just said that she must be the stupidest person I have ever been in contact with. I can't remember all that I said but she did cry. I just wanted someone to look at it that day not that very second.

    I then told the Heat Guy that his Secretary is very mind numbing and stupid. Oopps! I guess the Secretary was his Mother!

    Oh Well.


  • greendawn

    A few years back a solicitor agreed to do some work for me for the sum of £700 (about $1300) but when he finished he wanted to charge me £1800 and I refused to pay any more than what we agreed even though he was saying "I wish I hadn't said that there was a lot more work invoved than I thought" and other non sense.

    I agreed to give him £200 more, he didn't accept and sued. He failed to show up at the court on three occasions on various pretexts and the judge dismissed the case.

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