kicking my habit...

by kittyeatzjdubs 17 Replies latest jw friends

  • Thegoodgirl


    If you need extra help, the patch is supposed to be great. The chances of quitting for good are way high on the patch versus cold turkey. So if you can afford it, I would get it. Congratulations on 2 days!!!!!!!!!!


  • kittyeatzjdubs

    does the patch make you nauseous?? (sp?) i chewed nicorette last night and it made me kinda woozy...i didn't like it too much...

    luv, jojo

  • BrendaCloutier

    ((( Kitty ))) Goodonya!

    Because of the hand to mouth reflex, a couple friends of mine used cinnamon sticks as fake cigarettes, until they were ready to put them down. No, silly, you don't light them!

    Another tool is to begin to think of yourself as a non-smoker.

    You may find yourself drawn to all the ads on cigarettes. Acknowledge to yourself that you see it, and don't want it. OR that yes, you want to smoke but you're not going to. Not right now.

    If you find yourself drawn to the smoking section of the grocery story, make it a point to ID that section as you walk in the door and walk the other way, even if what you need is by the tobacco.

    Avoid old 7-11's etc. where you used to buy tobacco. Go shopping across town if you need to.

    Good luck hon. You'll kick it!



    PS - nothing worse than a pissed off cat.

  • kittyeatzjdubs

    thanks brenda!!!

    u'r kitty avatar always makes me smile!!!!

    u'r the best!!!

    luv, jojo (of the i'm out of tuna class)

  • devinsmom

    Good luck Kitty. I'm planning on quitting this year too. Ive done it before but it never lasted more than a few weeks or months. The gum really helped me in the past. Ive heard good things about those new lozenges too. I tried one though, and they are guuurrrroooosssssssss!!!! But so are cigs so I guess you have to get used to them just as you got used to cigs. Best of luck!


  • iggy_the_fish

    Personally, I really liked the gum. It really worked for me, although I used to cut the pieces in half. I got quite a "hit" from a whole piece (I've always been a bit of a lightweight when it comes to narcotics), so I found half a bit of gum was enough to take the edge off the cravings & psycho behaviour episodes.

    Of course, then I was addicted to the gum! DOH.


  • kazar

    Boy do I understand! I smoked for 25 years. Nothing worked for me but the Nicotrol Inhaler (nicotine inhalation system). It is a small white inhaler shaped similar to a cigarette that you can deliver the amount of nicotine you need at a particular time, so keep that in mind if the patch or gum doesn't work. However, it is expensive and ony by a doctor's prescription so you would need one from your doctorto get it. For me I found the hand to mouth habit helped control the craving. I quit for two years. tt kept my nerves jumping out of my skin to a minimum so I could function. I have read that nicotine addition is harder to break than heroin addiction.

    I wish you luck in your endeavor. I hope you succeed, but if you don't, do not beat yourself up over it. Most people fail on their first try. Regarding is harder to quit after you have relapsed because you are aware of what you will have to go through.

  • whyamihere

    You have a PM!


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