typical wt crapola. first they use soloman. was he not king and lived in palaces' did he not have the best of the best. and lived high on the hog? and all his wives and kids lived like royality. while some poor jew worked the fields to support his life style. plus in bibical times the father always left his land and trade to the sons. no question. and the story about giving to the brides father, is also bibical. 5 sheep , 10 goats etc. so this was an other bad example. then they tell you not to work too hard . the jews worked real hard to better their lot in life. more crapola. as allways the wt contradicts it self about giving . your $$$$$$$$$ to your kids . unless they become full time pioneers. if your kids forget school , forget having a family , but are willing to go to bethel , or peddle mag's 100 hrs a month. you should help them . the whole article is so predictable. and comical at the same time. every book ot mag ends the same way . what are you doing for the wt... john
WT article : What inheritance do you owe your children?
by Dragonlady76 13 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
as allways the wt contradicts it self about giving . your $$$$$$$$$ to your kids . unless they become full time pioneers. if your kids forget school , forget having a family , but are willing to go to bethel , or peddle mag's 100 hrs a month. you should help them . the whole article is so predictable. and comical at the same time. every book ot mag ends the same way . what are you doing for the wt... john
This was a very good topic. Everytime I start feeling a little soft toward the WTS a topic like this provides a reality check.
Great post DL76. I believe everything is tied in together. First, they are getting desperate for parents to indoctrinate the kids. Most of the kids, I’ve seen are starting to "fall away" as time goes by. They need youth to keep it going in the future. Second, for their "paradise hope" to take and keep hold, they have to keep people down. Look where the dub’s are growing, all poorer countries where the general population is scraping by. To families that are struggling and scrapping by, a free "paradise earth" looks pretty damn good. You keep people down and struggling, you will keep your R&F dubs.