The topic makes me think that I am trying to compare something that really cannot be compared. (Just a note on thought process behind this thread.)
The other day I got into a discussion of opinion and I have to ask you all for your opinion because I am so curious what people may think about the topic.
I am on a kick now, lately that I feel the urge to tell everyone how much I love them. I want to hug people and all of the fluffy bunny crap that I at one time thought people were so dumb for doing. That is just a sidenote.
But along those lines...I have made some huge mistakes in my life and tend to jump into anything with such gusto that I have had a heck of a life and a lot of hurt. This is quite a wild ride. At the same time though, by these experiences I have gained some wonderful friends or experiences and have been LIVING. I am not proud of all I have done, but I also know there are some wonderful lessons and compassion for people learned.
I have a person in my life who does nothing of the same. Does not date, make stupid choices, have a lot of friends, (maybe none) and I am quite a note of sourness for the way I have lived my life in his perception. I feel a bit sorry for him. We both have different paths, and I have wound up with a lot more hurt but he has wound up a very alone person.
So what is better?
Am I a goof for trying and taking the hard road at times? Or is that what life is about?
Or is it better to be careful and keep all your ducks in the correct rows and yet somehow miss out on the experiences that one can have by living in such a bumbling manner?
I figure the things I have gained if quantified as the (number one) mean I have the (number 100) in hurt, all the hurt is worth the one treasure I found out of the situation. Not that I purposely make hurt to find good, but I do think the treasure would never be found if not for the crazy path....
What do you think?