I imagine that all the blokes are toned, handsome and just slightly younger than me, but would still find me irrisistable.
I imagine all the women are drop dead gorgeous, slimmer than me, more toned than me, fantastic cheek bones and chin line, better hair than me, and look like they have just stepped out of a salon.
(not that I suffer from both a goddess complex and low self esteem or anything...)
Katie you have a fantastic very kissable face! That smile is just so engaging AND my God you are one witty woman. I have even copied some of your posts to my BF in emails.
Remember when I used my old Neanderthal child avatar? I loved it because it humanized a branch of humanity we think of as brutish, but most ppl said it freaked them out totally.
Awww shucks, thanks guys (coy feminine smile that sad thirty somethings do to try and pretend they are still young and fresh)
Don't sell yourself short. When i was in my early to mid twenties, all I chased was thirty somethings. I was a smart twenty something!! Young and fresh doesnt have anything on a lady who is confident, knows what she wants, and does'nt nag ya all the time. Oh, yeah, and is just hitting her ,uhh, peak. Young and fresh=pain in the ass.