mary...u sound like my mom
haha!!!!! j/k
luv, jojo
by kittyeatzjdubs 25 Replies latest jw friends
mary...u sound like my mom
haha!!!!! j/k
luv, jojo
And don't forget the 3 men who will show up at your door tonght wearing cheap, ugly polyester suits.
break a mirror lately?
Why yes, actually. We were trying to hang one in the bathroom, but on the way into the house I noticed that I was about to step on a crack in the sidewalk, and being a superstitious person, I swerved which made my edge of the mirror bump the picnic table knocking over the salt. In terror, I over corrected forcing my husband (who was packing the other side of the mirror) to stumble over our black cat Dumb-Dumb who happened to cross our path at that instant, and all four of us ( Hubby, Myself, Dumb-Dumb and the mirror) fell under the painters ladder leaning up against the house causing the mirror to shatter.
Think that we may have a problem?
LOL... Don't worry, Kitty. It could be worse. Hey, whats that ticket gonna cost ya, anyhow? (Hubby's last one was pretty expensive, but then he was doing 30 over. Blamed me for yelling at him so much to slow down, said he couldn't concentrate on his speed with me shouting, "Slow the **ck down!!...)
dont you just hate days like that where just about everything that can go wrong does. Hope the next day was better for you hun :) es
Ohhhhh...if it makes you feel better I'll get you your beer (sans fake ID)... my name: I.P. Freely...
- Preston
I have a nieghbor, ex-cokehead, ex-alchie. A 12 stepper. He had wierd shit like that happen to him for a while. He has been doing pretty good w his life for the last couple of yrs(better than me, actually). He is still a bit of a manueverer, though. The point? Well, it could be delayed karma from your past. It could be the old subconscious that hasn't caught up w your new life style, yet. That subconscious can be a crafty bastard.
S who isn't sure if he believes in karma or not