Sympahty for Circuit and District Overeer's Poor Wives

by frankiespeakin 41 Replies latest jw friends

  • metatron

    If you think it's easy being a C.O.'s wife, consider the contrary evidence of what their bodies are telling them:

    "Get Out!"

    Take a look at all of the C.O. wives with weird-ass allergies, strange illnesses that can't be pinned down, back trouble,

    you -name-it. They aren't faking or malingering - their bodies are rebelling - and they suffer from continuing depression

    by going to congregations and greeting children - knowing that they'll never give birth or experience creating their own family.

    It sucks.


  • Balsam


    I too noticed that the CO wives were always sick, and it always seemed to be many things they suffered from. This happen time after time. I also noticed that many of women who had really anal type husband like I did suffered illness. Then it hit me our life was making us sick, all the meeting, all the door to door work. And I stopped forcing myself to go. When the CO would come there would be expressions of how sick his wife was and how she had not been able to come that night. We might see her once then not at all. She looked sick too and I am sure the constant stress of door to door work, and hearing the same old stuff at every single meeting she attended much have been hard. That is a life I would not wish on anyone except my worst enemy which I have none of. I am sure many felt stuck moving around constantly, how depressing.


  • blondie
    As with everything else it varies;

    Some love it. They enjoy the prestige and the glory. They think they’re somebody.

    Some do it because they honestly believe they are serving God. Remember very few marry CO’s or DO’s. They have usually been pioneering for quite a few years before, and, like many other wives, just go where their husband goes and support him in whatever work he does.

    They may like it or not depending on

    1. Their personality.

    2. Their health.

    3. The particular circuit or district.

    Some absolutely loathe every minute of it.

    As Luna said for some poor women who are not well or need their privacy, it’s hell on wheels.

    It is true that they don’t have to prepare their own meals, but some women love cooking, and their own cooking would be better than some of the meals they are given.

    Another thing to think about is: less than 20% of the CO’s and DO’s have apartments supplied and about 70% have to sleep in a different house/bed every week.

    Also it seems to me that it is harder for DO’s wives because it is more impersonal. CO’s stay in the same circuit for about 3 years. The women can form bonds and actually get to know other women. That is very important for female contentment. On the district work it is assemblies every two weeks and thousands of people. That’s not conducive to relationship building and a big strain for most women.

    yesidid, pretty much sums up what I have learned about CO/DO wives. The last few CO wives I have known have chronic illnesses and are sad. 2 couples have since left the circuit work because of family illnesses. It is getting harder and harder to find men (and wives) willing to go on the road, despite the glory.


  • lilybird

    Once they made an annoucement at the meeting before the CO's visit that if they were having them for a meal, to prepare something simple, because it seemed that everyone felt that had to put on big lavish spreads for them. It is hard. They can't choose what they have for these meals and they are at the mercy of all cooks. good or bad. Im sure it would get rough on the digestive system after a while.

  • upside/down

    You reap what you sow... didn't some important dude in their Bible say that?

    or maybe it's just their "torture stake"...

    Life's a bitch...and then you realize you were in a cult.

    u/d (of the I judge them with the same judgement they used on me class)

    p.s.- "get a haircut and get a REAL job"- G.Thourogood.

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    Not that we could put all of them in one cubby - but the old saying is that 'Behind every successfull man is a good woman.'

    Many of these wives like the lifestyle - they have reached the pinnacle of witness success. Tantamount to being married to a high rolling CEO in the business world. One CO and his wife that I corresponded with for several years after they moved out of our circuit typically never answered any questions that I directed about matters of personal interest - all the replies seemed like canned answers - the wife did all the writing, and the entire letter would be about the 'theocratic activities' they were involved in at the moment. She was clearly pushing her husband on to bigger and better things - last I knew they were doing 'substitute DO work' .

    I feel sympathy toward them - the same sympathy I feel toward all witnesses held in the cult. I feel real concern for those that might want to leave the cult - typically they are not young persons, and they have not worked in years at a real job. They are more captive than most of us were, IMO. I hope some get out.


  • Aude_Sapere

    **Life's a bitch...and then you realize you were in a cult.
    u/d (of the I judge them with the same judgement they used on me class)
    p.s.- "get a haircut and get a REAL job"- G.Thourogood.**

    Profound. And a couple more giggles.
    I think I need a bumper sticker: Life's a bitch...and then you realize you were in a cult.
    Funny. hehehehe


  • frankiespeakin

    These women really do have it pretty bad, they are second class citizens because of the women are to be in subjection to males and they have no official position.

    What happens to these women if thier husband dies and they are 55 or older??? They most likely are left high and dry.

    You younger CO and DO need to think of your wives and the bad predicment you put them in if you stay in this work for a long time. The GB don't give a rat a$$ about you or them, get out of the work while you still can.

  • metatron

    Ask yourself why the Society is emphasizing a "no regrets" attitude ( the district assembly) towards wasting your life as a magazine peddler.

    Because so many older Witnesses are getting scared!

    For many of these poor people, a lifetime given to the Watchtower means no retirement, no pension, no 401K, no kids,

    no grandkids, no house , no nothing - and the Service Dept. can send you to an Alaskan circuit whenever the whim hits them.


  • frankiespeakin


    For many of these poor people, a lifetime given to the Watchtower means no retirement, no pension, no 401K, no kids,

    I can't imagine the pain and suffering that many old timers feel, as they realize they have been duped into service and are now stranded with nowhere to turn, I honestly feel sorry for these poor older ones and offer my sympathy.

    But you younger ones get uot of this work now before you find that you are stuck to a life sucking cult that is going bankrupt because of many many lawsuits, and your forced to beg to have food and a roof over your heads.

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