Whenever I would see a Watchtower or Awake at the laundromat, I used to just rip them up and throw them away. But now I carry labels on me that have been printed off my computer and stick them on the Mags. I have several types that are printed with such sayings as ( " this is a Cult " Included with FreeMinds website ) and ( "Jehovah's Witnesses cover-up child rape and abuse " Included with Silent Lambs website ) I feel this is more successful as the magazine cannot be picked up without having the sticker in your face. Anyone else have any good ideas? I like RitchieRiches Idea about the bogus checks
Stickers on magazines
by Apostanator 12 Replies latest jw friends
You could print "Quotes Calling Cards" on sticky paper instead of card stock.
You can get them here: http://quotes.watchtower.ca/admin-callingcard.htm
~Quotes, of the "Japanese Business Card Ritual" class -
What a great idea hehe and welcome to the board es
I was just checking out the quotes website, it's just astonishing to see all those old WTBTS armageddon graphics one after another. It's mind boggling to think that looking at those destructure, bizarro and depressing clips used to raise some sort of fear and pride in me as a dub?!?! Gosh, it's just out of this world aint it??! x
I agree, im embarrased at the things I used to think were a great idea - like I cant wait til millions and millions of non dubs go screaming to their death - 'and they will know you are the one true god', and they will be sorry they never bought the magazines off me, and they'll be begging us Oh please can we become Jehovahs wiltnesses, and we'll be like 'sorry old love the doors firmly closed by jehoba so all we can do is watch you die'
One immature young man used to say to people when the didnt take magazines 'thats OK youre gonna die at armageddon anyway'
Sick sick sick
Freedom Fighter
That's a terrific idea - would hopefully make people think more about what being a dub actually involves.
We also had a little 5 year old in our congo who would tell people that if they didn't take the magazines they would die. Terrible stuff to fill kids minds with.
Thanks es.
I figure the stickers draw attention to the magazines and puts the Witnesses in a position where they are questioned. I also think that when the witnesses come to re-fill the laundromat, they get a reverse witness. Who knows, maybe they'll seek out information, seeing that the Watchtower doesn't like to let them know such things.
WOW -- that's a great idea . . . and when the Witnesses come for a return visit to get rid of the mags--they'll get a "good witness!"
I think you should turn your time in to the JW Forum--maybe someone will design a Report Slip we can use. Don't forget, you'll need to average at least 10-hours a month, otherwise Simon won't be happy. :) -
too funny Java !!
**Don't forget, you'll need to average at least 10-hours a month, otherwise Simon won't be happy. :) **
Not to worry.
I've regularly made pioneer hours here.
Where do we keep the time slips??