Here's the script for the Korah, Dathan, Abiram drama
by Bonnie_Clyde 19 Replies latest watchtower bible
I seemed to have succeded in posting the pic, but i had to use that weird i m g > / i m g > thing. Is there a better way?
Avishai. That is way too funny !!!
The picture was visible yesterday for a time (times and half a time), but its replaced now by this tripod logo. I've found a way to link to the pic, but can someone kindly tell me how to upload pics to my posts?
You can see the pic at -
You know, Brother Faithful, I can see how criticism leads to being corrupted and can go on quickly into rebellious talk.
That's odd... I could have sworn Brother "Faithful" and Brother "Loyal" were criticizing Brother "Doubting".
Brother “Doubting” asks questions, then Brother "Faithful" and Brother "Loyal" attack him with criticism.
Brother Beavis: Huhhuhuhuhuh...
Brother Butthead: God speaks to us through his channel
Brother Beavis: Huhhuhuhuhuh...Brother Butthead: You don't want to stand against God's channel
Brother Beavis: Huhhuhuhuhuh...
Brother Butthead: No man can stand before the power of God's channel
Brother Beavis: Huhhuhuhuhuh...
Brother Butthead: As wiped upon the pages of the Watchtower
Brother Beavis: Huhhuhuhuhuh... yuo said ChANAL
Clever piece of mind manipulation must have been carefully written by a doctor spin or two.
I wonder why the jws never properly inquire who the FDS is, is it the GB or the all the "annointed" and if all the annointed why is it that in practice only the GB are ruling over everything and dispensing food (ie poisoned food)and the rest are barred from dispensing food. The answer is simple and enlightening only the owners of the business are allowed to control it because it belongs to them not to any jehovah as they claim. It's not the business of outsiders to ask questions and meddle in it (it was Russell that put in the original capital remember and started the business)
If only they would keep things straight: is this jehovah's org or the WTS shareholders org? Yes or no? Yes and no won't do because it is from a deceitful disposition and that's what they've been telling us for over a century now. -
I've just realised why i can't post the boycott of Internet Explorer hasn't done me any good. The editing box with all the undo, quote and smilie stuff doesn't work with Mozilla Firefox.
Here's my picture at last... I made it myself...
Henschel of Borg...... he does do a good Patrick Stewart impression doesn't he?
One big difference, Stewart is alive and Henschel has passed on. Even Borg die.