Just want to say to everyone how much I love this site, In 4 days I've learned more than in last 3 years. You are the greatest bunch of people one earth.
I love this site
by Podiatrist 14 Replies latest jw friends
Yeah, I found that out too, Pod.
They really are the greatest.
Can I hold your light saber? I keep trippin' over this staff.
That's thanks to the internet, when I left in the 80's I had many questions I could have easily answered by visiting some websites, or a forum, where you can also find good support from people who lived through similar experiences.
I stumbled upon this site more than 10 years after exiting the borg and the things I have learned coupled with the stories and personal expiriences of many here has enriched my life. My wish is to now help whom ever I can leave this very damaging cult.
there you go prophecor you can have it
In 4 days I've learned more than in last 3 years.
Not only that, but someone's always here to listen to our random thoughts.
It's great for the insomniac.
How come podiatrist gets two light sabres!?
That's it I'm back shopping on ebay. As a Jedi, I feel all under dressed with only one!
Although I had been disconnected from the borg 10 years, it was only when I linked up with this collective that I was able to get rid of the last of my nano-probes.
I'm hoping to get an improved chat-room availabled again soon so which I hope people will find useful for peer-support