I just stumbled onto this useless bit of info:
Watchtower has registered internet domain names CCJW.com and CCJW.org (Christian Congregation of Jahoobee's Witlesses).
.org and .com are reg'd to Joel Gott /Watchtower (Joel seems to be their head nerd)
CCJW.com -- registered 2001-12-18
CCJW.org -- registered 26-Dec-2004
.US is reg'd to Jon McWilliams in New Jersey; the name resolves to the "official" site: watchtower.org
CCJW.us -- registered Jul 02 15:01:45 GMT 2002
CCJW.net is taken, but belongs to someone in China and does not seem to go anywhere.
I don't know why I'm announcing all this, but thought someone could use this info. Oh, if you are a fellow Canadian reading this, you can plunk down $12.95 and register CCJW.ca -- it is still available. Who knows, maybe the Canadian Counsel of Jewish Women will thank you for holding that domain name for them, away from the clutches of Witchpower. ;)
~Quotes, of the "possible future CDRP complications prevents me from registering it myself" class
P.S. It is interesting that CCJW.org simply has a page titled "SI Projects" (look at the title bar in your browser). Does anyone know what SI Projects means? Special Interest? Stop Interference?
CCJW.com, CCJW.org
by Quotes 13 Replies latest jw friends
I've often wondered if this is a real person working at Brooklyn Bethel, or if this is just some JW-ish pseudonym that everyone in their IT department uses.
You mean they'd LIE?
Nahhh, you must be wrong. They are ambassadors to Christ AND represent the Most High Gott, I mean God, and ARE above reproach! How darest you.
Annie..........who now is sitting here fighting extreme nausea.
I feel sure they are going to get into something on the internet, but weve gotta give em a few years to change their denunciation of the internet by un-noticeable shades, until theyre preaching its the best thing since sliced bread. Could take years.
Nathan Natas
Scully, I was just wondering the same thing. It would be ironic if that really was the name of a real person. After all, Jehovah is the Editor of the Watchtower, why shouldn't he also be the webmaster?
Great minds, you & I... (pats self on back)
"ccjw.ca is now owned by me. "
Good job, misguided! -
Good work, misguided!
You asked about CDRP. I'm referring to my recent run in with WTS regarding me owning Watchtower.ca
One of the (SEVERAL!) things protecing my proper ownership is that I have not "engaged in a pattern of registering domain names in order to prevent [WTS] from access to them" as defined the CIRA's "Domain Name Resolution" (CDRP).
You can read more about how CDRP affected me at http://quotes.watchtower.ca/admin-news.htm#2005.02.11
As for what to do with it: log in to your domain name registar and change the settings so it points to any site that you want. If you used DomainsAtCost.ca, this is pretty easy to do; just log in and look around, you will figure it out. BTW, these changes can take 12-24 hours to propagate through the internet, so don't expect the change to happen instantly.
For example, you could set it up so if someone goes to CCJW.ca, it redirects to http://quotes.watchtower.ca (hint, hint, hint) or even here at JWD: www.jehovahs-witness.com.
~Quotes, of the "Also Started Out as an Impromtu Web Master" class -
As for "Joel Gott" --> if he is a real person, I guess he is pretty much doomed to a lifetime of Watchtowerism, with a name like that!