I Think I'm Falling Away..

by Englishman 16 Replies latest jw friends

  • candidlynuts

    maybe you've had too many of those psycho margueritas

    or whatever they were called lol..........

    on the other hand.......maybe you havent had ENOUGH psycho margueritas...

    i've ran out of hands so i'm gonna shut up now

  • Rod P
    Rod P


    Why don't you start your threads in a word processing file like MS Word and save them. You can do them in bits and pieces, and not worry about whether they are completed or not. Later on you can revisit them, whatever interests you at the time. You can add, delete, alter, depending how you feel at the time.

    Next hing you know, you've got a whole bunch of "polished" threads ready to go on a turn-key basis. Then, when you are ready, you can just keep them on stand-by, as you come on the JWD Forum. Now you can use your files to start a new thread, or as a subject reply on another thread somebody has going that interests you.

    Then all you do is copy and paste your remarks on file into the thread. This should give you the feeling that all your past efforts are not a waste of time and effort. You hold them until they're edited, polished and ready to go, and at the same time, you are not going to have a bunch of regrets for saying something "on the fly". You have the best of both worlds, and all under your control.

    See, you can still "keep the faith" without having to 'postacize from all us "Postates".

    Rod P.

  • loosie

    Maybe if you place more magazines.. you'll feel better....lol

  • LouBelle

    what is the underlying reason for adopting this behavior,

    I think we need to have judicial committee case - just to encourage you.

  • Englishman

    Thank you for all your kindly advice.

    I think that I may have been stumbled at sometime. It probably happened when I was walking around Nelson's flagship, the Victory. There was a little plaque on the deck bearing the inscription: "Here Nelson fell".

    If Nelson stumbled over it, stands to reason that anyone else could.


  • ozziepost

    LOL @ Eman!!!

    Mike, you're gorgeous!

  • love11

    Maybe talking about the jw's is getting old with you because it's becoming less and less a part of you.

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