While searching for any stake references in the Organized to do Jehovah's Will publication (c) 2004, I stumbled on this tidbit. Jesus gets four pages and a bit in chapter 2 under, "RECOGNIZING CHRIST'S ROLE IN GOD'S ARRANGEMENT". By comparison, "TRUSTING THE "FAITHFUL AND DISCREET SLAVE" gets just under seven.
In those chapters, Jesus gets 36 scripture references. The Faithful and Discreet Slave gets 27.
A corresponding search of my e-bible, King James Version, found the following:
Jesus: 940 verses
Christ, 532
"Faithful and Wise Servant", four, in Matthew 24
"Governing Body", 0..and to be fair,
Apostles - 59
Overseers - 1
Elders - 60
Who are Jehovah's Witnesses required to be loyal to? It's not really Jesus, is it?