Who do they follow? Jesus - four pages. Faithful and Discreet Slave - seven

by jgnat 13 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • jgnat

    While searching for any stake references in the Organized to do Jehovah's Will publication (c) 2004, I stumbled on this tidbit. Jesus gets four pages and a bit in chapter 2 under, "RECOGNIZING CHRIST'S ROLE IN GOD'S ARRANGEMENT". By comparison, "TRUSTING THE "FAITHFUL AND DISCREET SLAVE" gets just under seven.

    In those chapters, Jesus gets 36 scripture references. The Faithful and Discreet Slave gets 27.

    A corresponding search of my e-bible, King James Version, found the following:

    Jesus: 940 verses

    Christ, 532

    "Faithful and Wise Servant", four, in Matthew 24

    "Governing Body", 0

    ..and to be fair,

    Apostles - 59

    Overseers - 1

    Elders - 60

    Who are Jehovah's Witnesses required to be loyal to? It's not really Jesus, is it?

  • luna2

    No, it's all the FDS. They seem to only talk about loyalty to Jehovah, which always means the organization. It's very odd.

  • Will Power
    Will Power

    Well, its obvious in the Wit lit, Jesus has been replaced. That was then this is now mentality.


  • greendawn

    Jesus was to a great extent sent to the background and front stage was given to jehovah the god assosiated with the jews and the obsolete mosaic law.

    What the dubs don't, or rather pretend that they don't realise is that the Father gave everything into the hand of the son including this earth and all its people.

  • Satanus

    More proof that dubs are not christians.


  • greendawn

    Down at heart they are thinking as people bound under the rigidity of the mosaic law, founder Russell was very much pro jewish.

  • jgnat

    Frankly, I think JW's give lip service to Jehovah as well. Otherwise, why has the GB not come clean on past errors? Why are they more concerned with their membership's perception than Jehovah's wrath?

    The key doctrine that holds the whole mess together is loyalty to the Faithful and Discreet Slave.

  • Flash

    I like how you broke it down, especialy the A-B comparison with your bible...Very telling...very telling!

    The key doctrine that holds the whole mess together is loyalty to the Faithful and Discreet Slave.

    Yes, that is their primary Guilt and Fear tactic they use on the congregation. The Unfaithful and Indiscreet Slave are also more disciples of Paul than they are followers of Christ. Paul was big on teaching the congregation to surrender their personal freedoms (especialy the women) rather than lifting them up and setting them free...as Jesus said the Truth should.

  • Flash

    This is a computor glitch in my post and it moved when I tried to correct it! "... ;"

  • Flash
    This is a computor glitch in my post and it moved when I tried to correct it! ; ;"... " ;

    Houston...We have a problem!

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