I just saw this on the news this morning. a 5.6 magnitude earthquake struck southern Cal. I know there are posters on this board from southern Cal, wondering if anyone felt it? Or if everyone is ok?
Earthwuake strikes southern California
by Netty 13 Replies latest jw friends
Thanks for the news, Netty. I didn't know about this. I have relatives and friends in California. I'll put the news on, and look for updates.
The windows shook pretty good and a few drawers popped open. Other than that not much. I live about forty miles from Palm Springs.
Hubert, I hope your family is all ok. When you hear from them, give us an update ok?
The windows shook pretty good and a few drawers popped open. Other than that not much. I live about forty miles from Palm Springs
But still, r51785, must have been pretty scary? Was Palm Springs the epicenter?
I quit!
Hi Netty, I was driving through Santa Ana when someone on the radio said they just felt an earthquake. I didn't feel it at all.
a 5.6er is a moderate quake with minor damage if any. if it happened at night i would have just turned over and went back to sleep.
Josie ~ born and raised in earthquake country
My relatives are okay, they are way up in Van Nuys area.
Thanks for your concern, Netty.
I live in north San Diego, and I felt it this morning. By the time it got here, it was no where near 5.6 but heard it, and felt it anyways.
Nothing quite like when I lived in the Bay Area. There were quite a few large ones while I was growing up.
I felt the pre-shock, a slight motion in the earth, followed about 15 seoonds later by the main shock. No damage.
The earth must have been settling some more!
Yikes! My old stomping grounds are a shakin'! Shakin' and a bakin' in the desert! LOL I used to live a few miles from LaQuinta, Ca where it was felt strongly today, glad I'm not there now.Here's a link for more information:
I lived 12 miles from the second largest quake to hit So.Cal in 1992 and let me tell you it was an experience I'll never forget. Glad to be out of earthquake country! Here's a link to the biggest quakes to hit California: