Danny, what's seen with the JW's is not that much different to the differences in, say, Roman Catholicism.My girlfriend is a Roman Catholic. But she's a Dutch Roman Catholic, and her village is so liberal the Priest has hung on past retirement
Sorry I did not mean any insult. I have some experiences how catolics ruined lives of people. In some places, far away from western europe, the doctrine about anticonception is still dominant. It is not nice if you see that people have not enough to eat but still produce more and more children just beause the pope says so. There are other issues as well. Luckely in europe they are more liberal. (would that ever happen to WBTS -- no way)
Compare the majority of BeNeLux RC's to Irish, Spanish or Polish ones and there is a BIG difference!
Would be even worse if I had grown up there
The "Jehovah's people is one people" stuff only works in a pre-Internet society where the local differences between Congregations are not so easily discovered. The JW's are trying desperately to keep JW's away from the Internet, but they may as well try to council against the use of electricity.
He he he.Like that one. Yes internet can do them a lot of harm. thank god
Next time I'm near you I'll send you a PM, maybe buy you a beer or something if you're free... I'm not even df'd or da'd so you'll be safe....
That is a good plan. By the way, I do not care if you are DF or DA. You can do so mant things if you do not tell it to the wrong people.