Ok, I'm attempting to collect a list of JW wrongs in this thread so I can give it to my parents. I haven't been here long enough to know some of the inside information that you guys have, so any contributions would be welcomed.
So, what exactly makes Jehovah's Witnesses wrong? I need a list.
by sonnyboy 15 Replies latest jw friends
We evolved from apes.
jt stumbler
Too many to list. Do some research on past threads. You'll soon see for yourself.
The Best of
you will find good info here.
It is important to do your own research. Don't be like JWs who say "The Society says" rather than present their own viewpoint.
We don't you to say, people on JWD say, but be able to point to the research you have done.
Thanks, Blondie. I'll check out the link.
Jt - What's the smurf doing in your avatar? I can't make it out.
that's excellent advice.
i might add another point, if i may:
you could save yourself a lot of time by defining what sort of worldview you are leaning towards. for example, if you are feeling that you would like to remain a christian, then a look into the crazy doctrine of the Wits is a good idea. if you are leaning towards a non christian worldview, you could save yourself some doctrinal investigation time, and spend it on researching secular historicity of the bible itself. afterall, if the bible is not inspired by god, then why bother fretting over doctrine, when the whole thing is gone borneo in the first place?
and like GBL said, the evidence for evolution is overwhelming.
good luck,
jt stumbler
Sonny, its a lusty nursing smurf.
you could save yourself a lot of time by defining what sort of worldview you are leaning towards.
I'm sort of leaning towards the whole package. My parents still believe in God and they still believe the JWs are the 'only right religion', even though they no longer attend, but they don't know that I'm now agnostic. I think I'll first collect info on how JW doctrine conficts with scripture, and then I'll go for the nonchristian worldview.
I don't necessarily want to change their beliefs, but give them something to consider. They need to tell those pesky elders to stay away and quit pestering them to return to the hall. Every Saturday morning, there they are. I can't even go for a visit without seeing them. Now if I see their gold Lexus in the driveway I keep on riding.
Hello sonnyboy,
The two damning pieces are in their fundamental belief system:
- The Bible is not what they say it is.
- Evolution does indeed occur.
These two bullet points overturn the entire belief system. However, if you wish to dive into the garbage pile to find more problems, there are many:
- They hide themselves and others from information that challenges their belief system.
- The above fosters deeply rooted dishonesty.
- The unwillingness to challenge their convictions, along with a blind loyalty to the organization, produces a legalistic culture that is devoid of actual love and compassion.
- Their fear of involvement in things outside of organization-sponsored events leads to incredibly shallow lives. I now marvel that I was such a shell of a human. 10% at best.
- The constant state of cognitive dissonance that they are forced to maintain leads to logical/emotional breakdowns in other areas of their life. Older Witnesses especially are a very unhappy lot. Take a look at them. They are a good deal less happy than normal, healthy people.
Those are the biggest deals for me. If I were to wrap all of these up into a single item, it would be dishonesty. I cannot abide by it. The entire JW outlook is based on dishonesty. I must be fully open and honest with myself, and it is simply not possible to do this and believe Witness beliefs.
Thanks, SNG. Those are good points.
Evolution does indeed occur.
For some reason they refuse to see how life has adapted to its environment all over the planet. The Galapagos islands are a prime example.
I'm not sure if this is due to evolution (some say it's due to a better diet), but the average shoe size for women in 1900 was 3 1/2. The size steadily increased, decade by decade, and the average today is size 8. I think it's kind of interesting how people in general are getting bigger year by year.