Guess What These California Kingdom Halls Are Known For

by jomac 29 Replies latest jw friends

  • sf


    You too eh?

    Yea, I still don't get why so many news orgs won't touch the jw/ silentlamb child abuse epidemic. I cannot even tell you how much I've worked at getting it out there and to no avail. I've come to my own conclusion that there must be some reason. I've just to figure that part out.

    So I keep trudging.


  • Sunspot
    I cannot even tell you how much I've worked at getting it out there and to no avail

    So YOU were the other one!!!

    I thought the same thing as you did---there has to be a reason, so for now 'll let it go and concentrate on other things. There are SO many angles to pursue, it's not that we have a lack of material to work with, LOL!



  • outoftheorg

    Yeah I recognize Alpine. Just east of El Cajon, home of a pedophile now living In Boise Idaho.

    He is known for molestations in Calif and Idaho.

    Finally got df'd about a year ago after about 35 yrs. When his own daughter turned on him and shook up the elders again.

    This had been brought to the elders at least 4 times before now.

    I know this bastard well.


  • TooOpinionated

    Sunspot and sf-

    Perhaps a few more of us could give it a go?

  • Outaservice



  • outoftheorg

    Guys I think the lack of enthusiasm on the part of the media in the US is due to the relativly small size of the jw's and their rather secritive behaviour.

    Although the wbts likes to describe the jw's as a religion of importance and world wide presence, it is virtually unknown by most people.

    The wbts has no charitable divisions, avoids the media, has always tried to stay low as regards the government and is of little importance to the average person other than waking people up on saturday mornings.

    Other than this, almost no media time is spent on anything to do with the wbts or jw's.

    I would think that keeping on with the efforts you and I and others have done, might one day change all this.


  • free2beme
    Although the wbts likes to describe the jw's as a religion of importance and world wide presence, it is virtually unknown by most people.

    I agree with that statement. Still run across people all the time who know little to nothing about the religion and comment that they never knew one. Guess that is a reality check.

  • jeanniebeanz

    Please add Willits, Ca to the list. There was a man there for a while who was a convicted child molester. The elders knew and would not allow anyone to be warned. A sister who was a school bus driver actually had to sneak info to me when she found out that I was letting my kids stay at this childmolester and his wife's house for the afternoon to play with their kids.

    I was so mad when I found out. I could not even confront them on it without risking them taking action against the bus driver because she had been told to keep her mouth shut.

    Like I said before, these peoples leadership are sick.


  • m. kirov
    m. kirov
    I still don't get why so many news orgs won't touch the jw/ silentlamb child abuse epedemic. ....there must be some reason

    you silly, silly girl! Don't you know Jehovah protects his visible organization from such things? make no mistake the day will come when millions find out- Brothers and Sitsers, put on your full suit of armour--the day of persecution is comming. JWs will be put to the test. Stand firm in the truth, knowing that his name will be vindicated.

    oh, great, now I have to clean the "sic" off of my desk.

  • TadSexington

    Are there names that go along with that list?

    cause I grew up as a dub in San Bernardino..... and I'd like to know.... seeing as I still have dub family there.....

    - Darth Sexington, Dark Lord of the Sith

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