Problems in Mormon Kool-Aid-Land
by darkuncle29 18 Replies latest watchtower scandals
More sicko religious wackos not very far from the Dubs. It makes me so angry at this crap.
The children are told that dinosaurs came from another planet, and man never walked on the moon. More important, they learn the outside world is wicked and salvation comes through obedience to the prophet, who channels God's will.
According to those inside and outside the community, this way of life has become even stricter since Jeffs took over in 2002. Competitive sports — said to promote pride — have been curtailed or eliminated. Swimming is frowned upon, and talking to a girl can earn a boy a visit from the local police.
Sounds familiar, but the 'dubs aren't that harsh.
Hey, a religion where boys are worthless instead of girls, sort of.
The children are told that dinosaurs came from another planet
A little rule of thumb I have is, any religion that requires aliens in order to explain dinosaurs is totally, irreparably wacky.
Im not going to check out if there is a Mormon Discussion Forum, but if there is, I bet ours is better than theirs! (kidding)
This is very sad. And even sadder is that the ones taking them in are Mormons (Later Day Saints) and even though they aren't near as radical as these smaller groups, they are still a cult, but it will seem like paradise to these boys.
We have friends that are Latter Day Saints and the mother reminds me SO MUCH of my JW mother. When she was married in their temple one of her daughters could not attent the wedding because she was not a practicing mormon, her son could not attend because he was on a mission and they can only contact their mothers 2 times a year (Christmas and mothers day) and we could not attend the wedding because we were not mormons. Funny thing is that she can't believe how my mom treats me!
I kind of like the dinosaur/alien connection, SNG. Maybe they are related to the aliens that the Scientologists find out about when they get to their inner circle. I'd like to think Rutherford was abducted by aliens, had most of his memories erased, and then dumped back on earth with programing to take over and whip the Bible Students into a frothy mega cult. Those aliens have a lot to answer for!
Perhaps george bush would relocate some of his forces from afghanistan to that area, so they can liberate it. Jeffs shouldn't be that hard to target.
Double Edge
I just read the article.... a bunch of real wachos that I've seen on the news, Dr. Phil, etc. many times. However, your "subject" is misleading... it implies that they are Mormans....they are NOT. The LDS church kicks out anyone associated with this group. These people are stuck in the 19th century, ruled by one iron-fisted man and are believing in doctrine that old Brigham Young himself would roll over in his grave at. Say what you will about morman doctrine, but I have several lds friends and I attend their church every once-in-a while and they are soooo far from what that story mentions. In fact, they are so mainstream, it's hard to notice a difference than when I attend the Baptist church.