Brooke I tried to add you- and it saif I have to know your last name or email...
SO what is it? PM me...
by drwtsn32 57 Replies latest jw friends
Brooke I tried to add you- and it saif I have to know your last name or email...
SO what is it? PM me...
I have 2 FRIENDS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hey Brooke! Weird, I can't seem to add you... I click the link and it just takes me to my inbox. See if you can add me.. my account is at :)
I have no clue on how to add anyone....Where is Richie????????????
look at their profile, then there should be a link "add to friends" click it.
heres mine
my blog is on xanga though
You have been added :)
Can someone do an "add friends for dumbies" on here for me? I feel like a doof!
ive had a myspace for months...i have blogged & when i got down deleted most everything...but i have recent pics & ill update everything else when i have more time...i love blogs...they are addicting tho!