I have read in here a few post, and would expect to see these kind of post. Where people hope the religion will end some day and perhaps then all that has happened as a former Witness to us, will be stopped and the Witnesses will see the error of their ways and life will be good again. I never think they will end, and here are some reasons why I think this way.
Third world countries thinking. I remember when Iraq was under Sadaam and even back when terrible things happened in Southeast Asia and Aftrica. It was always asked, "why do those people put up with that?" or "Why don't those people do something to change." The reason is this, when taking over the control of an actual nation, the first thing you do it make sure those in power have the most power controling tool, and take this tool out of the hands of the masses. This tool with nations is guns, and with the religion it is the power of guilt, control and fear. You take this away and reward those who report the problem makers and it becomes a game of, "who can you trust." Do you discuss your hatred of the government with your neighbor, because after all then your friend did this months ago with his wife he was taken to prison and shot. So who can you trust? To even suggest it to someone to test the water is a possible chance at death. You do not have the guns, and without the power of communication without possible death, you are better off saying nothing and just staying with the accepted government. In religion, or the religion (Jehovah's Witnesses), it is the same thing. Who can you really discuss your doubts with to organize some group change or movement. After all, wives turned in husbands, kids turned in parents, and the list of what and how someone got reported goes on and on. Even worse, there is always the mystery source no one knows about. So what do you do, you either stay and follow or talk and get the control, guilt and fear buttons aimed your way and off your go to certian death. One reason why the religion will not change.
Liking the life style. I honestly knew several people who loved the conservative Witness thinking and enjoyed the strict rules and regulations. I know one family in the Arcata, California area I knew as a teen who were so over the top poster child in their way of being a Witness. That to take them out of the religion and to put them into the real world, would have been like take a fish out of water to flop on the ground until dead. So those people will always have children and always hold to the religion, no matter what. Another reason why the religion will not change or end. After all, even when there was less then a million ... it was a known religion and if it shrunk to those levels again, they would apply a scripture and those left would accept it and stay.
No more right or wrong then any other religion. Religion as a whole if mix of myth, misapplied stories and fact based on faith and not evidence. So to say a religion is going to end or change because they are wrong, just shows you have just grasped another religions way of thinking and replaced your past judgement with that of another. No religion is 100% right, unless your a member. So the Witnesses have no perfect faith to go to, and they think they are already in the perfect faith anyway. Why end, why change.
These are just a couple (or should I say three), I reason on. I know there is the whole, new understanding factor, but that is not as unique as I thought it was. I know of other religions who do the same or have the "believe what works for you" way of teaching. To shame a Witness, is to make them stronger. To expect change as a whole organization is a waste. I say, expect them to last the long hall and move on. Those who are willing to defect from countries, do. Those who leave the religion, always will. Those who like the government style, stay and enjoy it. Those you like the religion, live and love it. In all though, there is nothing perfect and no religion that will fit everyone and perhaps life teaches us that every day. Millions of shades of colors, tons of places to live and food in so much variety that you will find something to please the taste buds. Yet we know, to each there own and to try to force change or your way on to another ... well that is just to religious to me.