So, there I was quietly dropping off to sleep while listening to the news at 10 on the BBC last night. Suddenly, Michael Jackson had been found Not Guilty of everything, and fair enough, I'm no judge or jury so it's not up to me to say yay or nay.
Then my eldest son rushes into the bedroom on the phone to his JW Full Time Pioneer Girl Friend.
Her father had just told her that Michael Jackson had given credit to Jehovah, that if he should be found Not Guilty of these charges his great God Jehovah is the one that saved him and the girls Elder father was saying what a wonderful witness this is, letting everyone in the world hear Jehovah's name.
The best I could mumble at the time was 'Go away you bunch of freaks!'
However, the ludicrousness of this has finally dawned on me this morning!
Hey! All publicity is good, doesn't matter what shape or form it takes.
Has every one gone mad or is it just me!