whats this lump on my back...

by tsunami_rid3r 19 Replies latest jw friends

  • LittleToe

    Last week a friend of mine had a cyst removed from his back. It was the size of a marble, and hard to touch. Apparently when the surgeon removed it (in a five minute operation with local anaesthetic) it was a spongy little ball of muck, likely cause by an ingrown hair.

    It was nothing to be concerned about, and the operation was quick and painless. He said it was DEFINITELY worth him getting it seen. It's already healing really well, with barely a mark where the small incision was made to remove it.

  • LouBelle

    It could be a subcutaneous cyst - but those can be a lil bit sore - give it time. I had one on my back, it initially felt like I had a tense muscle, so like a real idiot had a massage. The thing grew & started becoming painful - in the end I had a "local". Got it cut out - it was really gross and when I looked at what came out *shiver - gag* rather sickening. It came back a year later & this time got rid of it good & proper - very gross again.

  • tsunami_rid3r

    thats what it is..a cyst...he's gonna use needles to numb it.

  • whyamihere

    I had the same thing on my back . It is a Cyst!

    If it dosen't hurt and you can move it around no worries. Just make sure it hasn't gotten any bigger. Just keep a close eye on it!


  • tsunami_rid3r

    it kinda hurts now b/c ive been squeezing it. but ill be getting it removed next week.

  • Sirona

    Good news! Let us know how you get on,


  • seattleniceguy

    It's probably just the mogwai reproductive organ you get when you start visiting apostate sites. Did you have any contact with water recently? If so, you should expect the bump to develop into a backpack-sized furball, which will pop off and turn into a fully-formed baby mogwai in a few days.

    Also, whatever you do, do NOT eat after midnight. I can't tell you why, which will probably tempt you to do it just to see what happens. Just trust me on this one.


    P.S. Just kidding. :-) Hope everything works out okay with your cyst.

  • LittleToe

    Do you think it'll need a blood transfusion., after the separation?

    Also, what do ya think it might be evolving into??

  • Elsewhere

    I think you've got a vestigial tail.

  • littlerockguy

    It probably is a sebaceous cyst, a cyst under the layor of skin with keratin and other cheesy-like matter. It harmless so if you want it removed you would just swapping it for a scar if that is what it really is.

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