An idea [Postive Action].

by jimakazi 10 Replies latest jw friends

  • jimakazi

    Having only recently discovered this site and finally having at my finger tips [the internet is great] compelling evidence that the JW doctines are nothing but the work of men I feel a need to take action. People I care about are still wasting their lives.

    [1] I would like to see some "ready made" resource's that have factual evidence, well articulated, and formated ready for printing that we could use to help current JW's see what is going on. I think the key is not to be seen to attack directly or in a way that is offensive, or that embarasses them. Questioning their key beliefs gets them immediately on the defensive, like suggesting the trinity [which I will never accept] is real, so is to be avoided.

    The "blinking light" evidence on the constantly changing postion on the men of Sodom getting a resurection, or not, springs immediately to mind. It is innocent enough, not offensive in any way, but damn it make a good point - with quotes from their own literature.

    So what would be effective distribution methods?

    [2] I would like to see some "ready made" resource's that are questions or topics that drop JW's into an awkward hole - having to think outisde the narrow scripting of the JW training.

    I have some I'd be willing to write up, like my insane headmaster story; I love it because invaribaly they agree with you [the headmaster should be sacked], then you innocently ask what's the difference between what they say Jehovah is doing in terms of the Armagedon. Anyway I'm not going to outline that one here [it's breifly in my very 1st post], but I'm sure we could collectively come up with some effective tools.

    [3] For added fun we could add a section on how to drop non witnesses into that same awkward hole, the great thing is that as an ex JW you can have real fun in any conversation where they try and "preach" to you, if they use the bible as their basis [perhaps I'm evil].

    Any thoughts?

  • ozziepost

    You start.... BTW I've always obtained excellent resources from Freeminds.

  • Honesty

    I have encountered people who have been DF'd over 10 years and showed them documented evidence from government sources and biblical evidence the WTBTS is deceiving them. They are unaminous in proclaiming that my heart has hardened against Joe Hoba's faithful slave. They verbally attack and call me a lying apostate. They refuse to reason at all on the evidence by saying the FDS warns against such men as me. They then call their elders and are welcomed with open arms back into the cult (of course they have to prove their loyalty by being sanctioned). Your idea is positive and good. However (JW buzzword), due to the negative experiences I've had in conversing with active and DF'd JW's I have reached a few interesting conclusions regarding their outlook as JW's. They are so close-minded that 90% mentally shut down when anything other than praise for the apostate Governing Body is uttered. Nothing anyone can say, plead, attempt to reason or produce as truthful evidence to the average JW will have an effect on them. Even if it does touch their hearts or minds when you talk with them, as soon as they are back in the company of other JW cult members they are reinforced in their thinking that the WTBTS is the only source of light in the universe. Therefore, IMHO I believe you are peeing into a 90 mile an hour wind and are going to get sprayed. While your enthusiasm and ideas are very lofty, I must respond with an emphatic

    No thanks!!!

    Picketing their KH's, CA and Da's with web addresses such as this one, Freeminds and WT Quotes emblazoned on banners and signs; using a portable bullhorn and exhorting them to read their bible just like a book and see how it compares to current WT light works wonders on doubting JW's, bible studies and JW children. The effect it has on a large crowd of JW's is amazing. Reasoning attendees can see for themselves how hypocritical the JW elders are when they confront and harass picketers with bullhorns who encourage obeying Christ instead of the Governing Body.

  • DannyBloem
    Having only recently discovered this site and finally having at my finger tips [the internet is great] compelling evidence that the JW doctines are nothing but the work of men I feel a need to take action. People I care about are still wasting their lives.

    I have the same feeling, although with some doubt. You are not going to make all people happier, only some.

    [1] I would like to see some "ready made" resource's that have factual evidence, well articulated, and formated ready for printing that we could use to help current JW's see what is going on. I think the key is not to be seen to attack directly or in a way that is offensive, or that embarasses them. Questioning their key beliefs gets them immediately on the defensive, like suggesting the trinity [which I will never accept] is real, so is to be avoided.

    The NGO status of the organisation with the UN is a big thing for the whitnesses. This is proven, can be printed and verified. Right on the site of the UN. For them the UN is someting the same as Satan.

    The "blinking light" evidence on the constantly changing postion on the men of Sodom getting a resurection, or not, springs immediately to mind. It is innocent enough, not offensive in any way, but damn it make a good point - with quotes from their own literature.

    They would not listen to this. You can use it as a starter, but better use a positive starter. More like I have problems with or so... Do not attack them, they are not allowed to listen to outiders except to help them to convert.
    Most JW's don't care at all about changing light. They even view it as something positive. Their religion is not dogmatic they say... I wouldn't care also, if they did not claim to be used by God himself.

    Most JW's just don't listen so you do not make it very far if you are not really subtle. You can't change a lifelong suppression of normal thought in a minute.

  • greendawn

    Could search the net with google and bookmark all relevant websites and then organise them in the different aspects of the JWs that they deal with eg doctrinal flip flops, early history of the org, scandals etc

    Can also pick out and recommend the best ones.

  • rebel8

    Check and you'll come up with books that challenge their doctrines.

  • TheListener

    I agree with you Jimakazi. I began to write my own tracts for various people, like bible studies, return visits, and a generic one to put on kh car windshields. But, I've found that by searching online you can find that others have done a good job of creating things like this already. Look around. Pass around. Have fun.

  • Frog

    Heya Jim,

    Although your motives are excellent and many of us can relate to feeling compelled to action as you do, unfortunately you underrate the insidious indoctrination that these people are under. We all know that JW doctrine comes undone extremely easily if you take a logical approach to dissecting it, but unfortunately people who are indoctrinated over many years, and have allot to loose (not just physically, but emotionally, means turning their world upside down, and forces them to question their entire identity) can't think rationally and logically, they've lost the ability to do so, it's been taken from them.

    Unfortunatley, when it comes to the borg we are all on our own when making our decent. It is very rare that you will ever be in the same mind state as another and be able to make your leaving a joint exercise. Even if you are fortunate enough to succeed in bringing people out with you (family, friend, partner etc) we all have relapses which are so illogical and ingrained, that it requires waiting for the exact right time for each individual, and means that you are very much on your own.

    I hope to one day when I've finished my studies to be able to establish a better support group for those on the fence who want to come out, but are still in the grips of fear. The best thing that I ever did was to get excellent counselling and meet very normal balanced people, who made me realise that after all I had been through, and experienced that what I was feeling, and the way I was reacting to life was completely normal, although it seemed so crazy and illogical.

    I admire your motives, and believe something can be done, but nothing as you say that directly threatens of challenges these people in their vulnerable state. It might be satisfying for us now that we can see the insidious nature of the org so cleary, but for them it makes them hold on tighter, and the fear tactics used by the org just come into full force.

    Keep in touch, and let me know what you thrash out. frog xx

  • Whiskeyjack


    I'd have to side with the majority of the other posters here. JW's (even my own parents) will automatically categorize you as an "apostate" if your material is too well organized or if you argue too passionately. You need to act like a really laid back Jesus and not someone with an agenda (freeing them) to maintain a discourse with an org. member.

    Collect and compile items for a "scrapbook" you can keep handy but only bring it out when someone demands to see the "evidence" (most will still accuse you of making it up!). It takes a lot of little seeds to start a JW on the road to critical thinking (especially lifers who've been programmed from birth) and it can take years. But I think they're worth it.


  • sf

    Part of the greatness of the internet is the freedom one now has to brainstorm as they may, various ways to reach others with the truth about the lies of the WTorg. There is no set way in doing what one feels is best in their situation.

    Many here are very active in providing 'accurate knowledge' to those who are seeking and lurking. We welcome your contributions.

    There are at least ten top sites that will give you all you need to compose what best fits your situation if you are in affiliation with jws in some capacity and desire for them to know the Real Truth.

    Happy trails!!


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