It took them exactly 13 hours from the news broadcast ...

by kwintestal 73 Replies latest jw friends

  • Joyzabel


    AFIN will be put in the cooler, but if you ignore someone, you don't give them any power. Obviously she gets her jollies out of being fed here. Continuing to bait her back in this thread doesn't add to the thread's topic.

    just my 2 cents

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff
    What my plan is, is to let them call me for a JC for this. I have nothing to lose by being DF'd. To the JC, I will bring someone from the media with me to act as my witness to the event. If and when they DF me, they we will have an even better newscast when I protest their attempt to silence me.

    Of course, everything will be documented for the sole purpose of compensation should I become distressed from what they are putting me through. We'll see if it works.


    Kwin - good plan - but they will never let a lawyer or the media in the JC meeting. They won't even allow 'witnesses' to remain, just give the testimony and then leave. I like the 'hidden camera' idea if u have journalists that would 'wire' you up! I would love to see a DF tribunal aired on tv - that would let the world in on the secret for once... Jeff [This may be repetitious since I didn't get to read all the thread -sorry.]

  • a friend in need
    a friend in need

    Kwin ... for a man to work those long hours away from a pc, you seem to be here a lot.

    Why would it matter where I work ... I'm not the one planning to sue the WTS 'solely to compensate my poor little feelings'. It wasn't the WTS who bothered you as a child ... it was (supposedly) one person ... but I get it. He doesn't have deep enough pockets to suit you .. wink .. wink ..

  • Elsewhere
    Kwin referenced getting compensation for the trouble the society may be 'putting' him through.

    Completely separate from his suing for his problem as a child. NOW do you get it??

    This is a legal distinction between "Damages" and "Punitive Damages". The Damages are awarded to compensate for harm caused by the crime itself. Putative Damages are awarded to punish the offender for performing the act(s) in question.

  • avishai
    It wasn't the WTS who bothered you as a child ... it was (supposedly) one person

    Well, let's see. The WTS knocks the catholics for the same behavior. Covering it up.

    Ignoring mandatory reporting laws, threatening and enforcing df'ing if you report molestation to the authorities. By these behaviors, and their still enforced "two witness rule" they allow pedophiles to run free and rape hundreds of children. Get it, afin?

    Here's a thread that may explain it a lil' better

  • talesin


    I agree, and if you note my original comment, that was my advice to Kwin ...

    and yes, I did have to call it on its behaviour first, I confess ....


  • jeanniebeanz

    Where did that 'banging the head against the computer screen' emoticon go...?



  • mtbatoon

    You will have to forgive AFIN, after the MJ trial she thinks that if you can prove someone’s just suing for the money that the accused will get away with it. Pity poor AFIN don’t tease her.

  • kwintestal

    Yeah, I have to be here a lot to keep my average of 4 posts a day up, y'know!

    Now try to keep on topic here AFIN, your objection was to me possibly sueing for compensation from the WTS for them bothering me and causing mental distress, not what you stated in your last post, suggesting I was sueing them for the abuse.

    You don' tknow if you're comming or going, do you.


  • Joyzabel

    she's gone for awhile

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