wow sparky..i think you should actually do something today
you've obviously spent quite enough time lying around doing nothing
by Sparkplug 14 Replies latest jw friends
wow sparky..i think you should actually do something today
you've obviously spent quite enough time lying around doing nothing
You might want to leave that paint a day or two. As it dries back fully the colour will likely change and may look nothing like it does now.
Your vacation time sounds similar to mine. They say a change is as good as a rest, though
tijkmo-naked man chest in the morning? watch out for nursing babies!! (cat whistle inserted here)
Little toe- That is what my children keep saying. They like this morning.. I am not sold yet, but enough music turned loud enough is a cure all. Good morning to you...Great picture, I have been meaning to tell you that.! And I guess it is just a change of duties because I have already taken two kiddos to the orthodontist and one to starbucks with me. Been posting and rearranging my room!
End of vacation day number three and I guess I really did relax. I am so mad at self for not being more productive. I need to learn to relax!
Three cheers for "unstructured" time!