I'm just like everyone else here when it comes to the upcoming Dateline NBC segment. I am really anxious to hear in advance what is going to be said and I sincerely hope that not only will it help the "silent lamb" victims but that it will also reach at least a few hearts in the Witnesses.
But I've been seeing constant references to it lately and I get the idea that some of us may have too high of hopes.
By no means do I mean to try to discourage Silentlambs, I think SL will understand and agree with what I am saying here.
My friends, please remember that this will be a situation of 20 minutes or so of airtime by "worldly" media going against lifetimes of teachings by an old and highly skilled powerful worldwide organization.
One reporter from NBC will have approximately 20 minutes to present a very complicated issue with interviews and narration and some minutes will be sacrificed for commercials. Even if NBC decided to devote an entire Dateline episode to the topic, it would still leave only a scant amount of time to try and deliver such a weighty story. Add to the time factor that in this day and age, the networks are very cautious due to fear of litigation. Remember how easy it is for the networks to be sued. A story like this is going to be very carefully reviewed by their legal departments. This is no simple scandal involving say a congressman who can just blow them off and not worry about it tomorrow. This is far bigger. The WTS is a worldwide PRIVATE corporation who has the added asset of using religion as a defense and could very well sue NBC for all they are worth should they decide to.
Then we must consider the target audience. Not NBC's since they have no interest in "saving" Witnesses, just in ratings. No, I mean ours. As the segment begins advertising, and I believe it will, the warning will sound. As the warning sounds, in one way it will be advertisement to watch for some, but for many it will be notice to avoid even turning on the TV that night. Many JW's will watch. What percentage will watch? Don't know. Of that percentage, how many will turn off their tv's in self-righteous vindication at how they are being persecuted? How many will watch in shock and realize what they just saw is true? How many will leave not knowing what to think?
My point is, lets not get our hopes all pinned on this one battle in a much larger fight. Silentlambs is doing a wonderful and sometimes painful job and I don't mean in any way to diminish that, just wanted to point a few things out.
Y'all have a good night, especially you Silentlambs.
Calm down before Dateline
by Bendrr 10 Replies latest jw friends
Eusebius Hieronymus
Not to worry, Bendrr.
Old pros are on the scene, including network professionals.
Your point is very well taken, not to miss the war in focussing on one battleground.
Not to worry. Dateline often devotes the entire show to one subject. Sometimes they have 2 parters. I have watched it a few times this summer, and have seen several that are one subject for the whole hour. They have far too much material to cram it into 20 minutes. It isn't 20/20 or 60 Minutes, remember.
Marilyn (a.k.a. Mulan)
is it true that there will be a dateline episode? how soon?
I hope the end is less painfull than life.
Been eavesdropping again, eh Marilyn? Right on.
The issue isn't just abuse per se, but the massive judicial system that churns into action and really is not equipped to deal with kids OR the perps even if well meaning. The issue of the code of silence too.
Timing is right in America for some healthy discussion. Obviously cult-bashing might cause a reaction of sympathy. What we and NBC Dateline wants is to provide a catalyst for change, not just to tell stories that shock.
Even grass can become milk, I'm told; and the process can't be hurried.
You can bet the Witnesses will watch. They HAVE to know what is being said about them. Its ingrained. When you spend so much time trying to cover something that your life is wrapped around, then you can't stand to see it exposed. When I was a boy on the farm and we wanted to find a calf that the mama cow had hidden, we cupped our hands and made the sound of a calf. The momma ALWAYS HAD TO LOOK right where she hid the calf to make sure it was ok. Same with the Witnesses. Say someone is saying something bad about MOMMA/the Organization and they will have to listen. Deep inside there is a fear there, of just how much will be exposed. Every Witness with a set will be listening if they can in private. If it were in a mixed group they would want the set to blow up first, but in private, it will be tuned in. I hope they do the hour and I hope they do a better job on it than other shows have done in the past. This time maybe they will have some expert advice on the real beliefs and customs of the witnesses so they don't destroy their credibility as I have seen other programs or articles do in the past. Exactly what day and hour is it? I must have been away when this was first discussed and I don't know. I want to see this one. I sure hope they do just what Kismet was talking about, stick to the facts as that is plenty to do the job. Exaggeration and emotionalism are not needed, the emotions will be felt if the job is done right, and the bare bones truth about this cult are presented. It's the sincere Witnesses I hope it reaches.
I'll be completely bummed if it doesn't air. perhaps i'll look for datelines e-mail and express how important this segment is.
jurs -
Sorry, Grunt but I have to disagree with you. I think the R&F are already being conditioned that the news media is evil, hence, better not watch, especially when it is persecuting the WTS.
Of course, if it (Dateline) were going to expose the Catholics for the very same thing, then ALL would be encouraged to watch (for service points).
Sorry, Grunt but I have to disagree with you. I think the R&F are already being conditioned that the news media is evil, hence, better not watch, especially when it is persecuting the WTS
Wrong......................Reason i may not watch........
If it is on during MTV's Real World...DAMN I HATE THAT CORAL!!!
The dateline show has nothing to do with the R & F. Most R & F will do the usual and after a little cognitive dissonance - bury this behind the wall. Maybe 10 to 20 perecnt of them might freak out but I doubt it.
But what this show (and it is going to happen) will do is air the dirty laundry in the public. Corporations hate that. This is where they recruit from and where they can make more money. And if they don't have new recruits then they lose members and if their magazines aren't selling, well then they lose more money.
If the show is done properly it will also wake up others in the media to do stories and the public who thinks this is just a innocent little religious group. That's the key. As much as the WT likes to talk up the persecution angle they really don't want it out in the public what they are up too.
The show will also let other people who have been abused become alerted to the fact that there are others out there. These people will be told through this show that it is not your fault to be abused and here is who you can contact if you need help.
And of course I don't have to go with other issues that could hurt a certain corporation's pocketbook.
If this story gets "legs", as they say in the press, then look out. Just ask the Anglican and Catholic churches in Canada about a story of pedophila that gets "legs".
- be patient, sit back and relax. I would rather wait and have the story done right to the point that every news show starts running with it than what they aired on how Clinton couldn't possibly have sex with that woman.