I recently read a post written by a female JW who was obviously disenchanted with the WTBTS. She wrote about how she had been out in the door to door work recently because she had no excuse not to go, and how she had placed some magazines with a "householder". It made me think about how just one small thing like placing WT literature with an innocent unknowing individual might eventually lead them into the Watchtower trap.
I have a question for those of you who are or have been in the situation where you are "fading" or don't believe in the "truth" anymore, yet still engage in the preaching work. I'm not being accusatory or confrontational here, I'm just curious about the mind-set. The question is...
How do you justify proselytizing for the Borg when you are on your way out, knowing how much it has screwed up your life and may screw up those you help to convert?
Proselytizing for the Borg
by Sith 22 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
I never was in that situation but I think they will most probably try to quietly sabotage any interest in the org. by that individual.
How do you justify proselytizing for the Borg when you are on your way out, knowing how much it has screwed up your life and may screw up those you help to convert?
I still am a very active witness. I go out in service fairly often.
SO- I can't justify it. I do it because I have to. I try to be as ennefficeint as possible. I know that the average person isn't going to flock towards the truth without encouragement- so I just don't encourage it.
Good pt.
I quit heroin... because it almost killed me.... but I still sell it.???
I quit heroin... because it almost killed me.... but I still sell it.???
I still sell it to make money until I can leave...
That's the same thought I had U/D, but it was more along the lines of poison, not heroin. Instead of just flushing it down the toilet, you hand it to someone else, then subtly encourage them not to drink it?
In their circumstances that's the best they can do, they show that they also have some tricks up their own sleeves against the borg.
They only appear to preach and make sure that any interest gets nowhere, there could be thousands in that position. -
Yeah, reading accounts of people who are still in that preach and give parts does bother me. But who am I to judge, every circumstance is different.
How do you justify proselytizing for the Borg when you are on your way out, knowing how much it has screwed up your life and may screw up those you help to convert?
I can't answer this in a brief post, so here's the reason. I had no ability to leave at the moment I first thought of leaving because:
- I was still in the process of figuring out if I should leave, and didn't want to be impulsive and leave, only to return with a stigma.
- My mother had raised me in a very controlling way. I didn't know how to do anything for myself or how to be an independent adult. It was a scary concept to walk out on the cult and move out on my own at the same time, with no idea how to do either.
- I had serious health problems, no health benefits, and a part time job with little income. Didn't have enough $ to get an apartment. Thus I had to stay in my mom's house and obey her directive to preach.
- Had no education to get a better job in an area with a terribly depressed economy. Finally did with my part-time job employer after trying really hard to get more hours.
I did like most; I just tried to be as inefficient as possible. Knock lightly. Go when you think people aren't home. Do something else (donut shop) when you're claiming to be preaching. Try to work with people who talk a lot. Go on return visits with a whole carful of people and always be the one to wait in the car. Take territory that's farthest away so as to consume time driving. Write unsigned letters to people and do laundromats to count time. Don't overcome objections. You get the picture.
I'm not saying it was right. It was definitely wrong. I just don't know how much of a choice I really had.