I notice that when my wife misses meetings( about 60 percent of the time she does) she always tells her study person she wasnt feeling well. Her sister uses that excuse all the time too. Even her mom who has been in it 30 yrs often is too ill to go to the meetings. I can recall severl times her study partner has been sick and not gone. Is this common everywhere?
Dubs are sick people
by gringojj 13 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Yeah... It's the only excuse that a person without kids to blame it on can give and not hear a bunch of crap about missing meetings. Mind you, you are not ever offered any help, but you are not hassled either.
Even when being away from the borg for many years, still it's hard to get out of the feeling that you have to make excuses.Constantly a dub is made to feel guilty. So gringojj, feel sorry for her, understand that it's being input into her as part of her thinking process.
excuses, excuses!
I notice that when my wife misses meetings( about 60 percent of the time she does) she always tells her study person she wasnt feeling well. Her sister uses that excuse all the time too. Even her mom who has been in it 30 yrs often is too ill to go to the meetings. I can recall severl times her study partner has been sick and not gone. Is this common everywhere?
I used to get sick a lot too, which later, after I left, I figured out was severe malaise brought on by acute depression. The weird thing was the symptoms, which were psychosomatic in nature, felt very real to me. I think the religion and living a lie was the huge factor. Faking that you were really wanting 99% of the world's population to be destroyed and were really happy with the idea of living in dead people's mansions would do that to anybody who isn't a sociopath.
This is true and nerve problems are alos commonly cited for sicknesses dubs have.
It was in my hall when I was going. Yet they were never sick enough to not do what they really wanted.
When I was young.. I think I bout died of everything possible just to stay home from meetings. Then the most amazing thing would happen and my mum and others would soon catch my imaginary illness.
"Things that make you go HMMMMM"
YUP, I used that excuse all up, every chance I could.
Nathan Natas
I think all the illness afflicting JWs is simply a physical manifestation of denied cognitive disonnance syndrome.
When thinking about going to the meetings makes you feel ill, there's a message for you. I didn't get sick so much as I got really REALLY grumpy. Joyous people my left butt cheek!
I think illness is the only acceptable excuse for missing meetings besides death, your own.
Even that is carefully scrutinized with the elders and others wanting to know the details so that can diagonose what you had and whether it was severe enough for you to stay home.
The only time I saw someone who was sick that they preferred they stay home was a brother who was HIV positive.