Your Most Boring Job...

by misspeaches 20 Replies latest jw friends

  • mtbatoon

    Most boring job ever? Entering the code from cut out promotions on a dumb terminal that must have been made in the 70's, we're talking big magnetic tapes and green screens. It was piece work too so no slacking.

  • sonnyboy

    It would have to be my very first job: pumping gas and stocking shelves at a convenience store.

    Six hours a day after school felt like 12. It was painfully boring.

  • Country_Woman

    I once had a similar job: 2 years at a semi-government office which only had work in wintertime.

    They used very old Burroughs bookkeeping and invoice machines (with mirrors and a crack ? - those old T-fords did have them to start the engine).

    Seemingly it was hard to get used to these machines, so once they had someone who could handled the monsters (me) they did'nt want to let me go.....

    In those 2 years I have embroided a complete table-cloth knit sveral jumpers, read thousands of books, took a course Italian (was not a succes) and paid half of my monthly salary for the telephon bills (I could'nt call outside by myself - has to use the exchange...)

    So I completely understands you....

  • katiekitten

    OH Crumpy - if they give you more work to do how you gonna find time to flirt with ME??

    Tk - I used to clean windows but I enjoyed it. Course it did help that I was 18 and worked with THE best looking pioneer ever (and was also going out with him). Nothing like a bit of love interest to make them windows go by!

    My most boring job was working at the Legal Aid Board. You needed a Law Degree to do it, but it was awful. You had to read the applications people made througjh solicitors, for legal aid. You had less than 2 minutes per application, and you were under pressure all the time to get more and more apps judged in a day.

    One day a new manager left a confidential report in the kitchen which said the filing department was taking a disproportionate amount of time off sick. He had written 'why so much time off sick?'. I had done 6 weeks in the filing dept as part of my induction, and knew this job was even more boring and even less paid than mine (those guys didnt need a Law degree to file) - so I put a sticky note on the report which said "its obvious- the job is totally boring and mind numbing. you should try it". He was so pissed off but he couldnt challenge anyone about who had written it because the report was clearly marked Confidential, and shouldnt have been left in the communal kitchen! (SMUG feeling)

  • kazar

    My most boring job was in the legacy and endowment department of a huge law firm. It was all this money donated by millionaires that would never reach the poor who really needed it. It was sent to Israel, other countries and agencies that were already rich. I would fall asleep at the computer.

  • hubert
    I ended up leaving a job that paid me $58000 for 5 days work a month

    ahhhhh ....Is that job still open?


  • upside/down

    Working as an absolutely mindless zealout for a Publishing Company that offered me a great incentive program...

    But after watching a friend "go down with the ship" so to speak with Enron...

    I jumped ship.

    Maybe we should be called "Mutineers" instead of "apostates"... sounds so much more exciting!

    Argggh matey!


  • Quentin

    There have been many, here are two: mobile home factory...bakery( left that one after one day )...

  • bebu

    I worked as a file clerk in Juneau AK one summer, in the state's financial aid dept for college students.

    I remember being sorely tempted to run screaming down the street on my break one day. Hours and hours of alphabetizing and filing... I met some a couple of girls who were the stereotypes for the stuckup sorts you see on TV sitcoms, and made my life nearly unbearable. But it paid for all of my college expenses (tuition and room) for the whole next year.

    Never want a job like that again!!

  • misspeaches

    jillbedford - trust me there was absolutely nothing I could do to make this job interesting. Imagine it as a slant on a data entry job. Just putting data into a template. This might sound obnoxious but I felt I had intelligence going to waste. I asked for different work assignments and got zippo.

    Prophecor - ah the plight of the perfectionist. I hear your pain. I reoccuring cycle of sheer frustration.

    Hubert - you are welcome to that dull job if it was still open. I have no idea. I gave my two weeks notice and no one talked to me for the remainder of the two weeks I stayed there.

    Happily now I am gainfully employed in IT Support where I reign over my clients weilding my power around. BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

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