So a few of us have had some very dull jobs - who has had or currently has a job that they love?
Your Most Interesting Job
by Crumpet 10 Replies latest jw friends
All my jobs since the boring one 30 yrs ago have been interesting. Currently a street youth worker at nights. Great fun and always interesting
I love my job...its challenging interesting and satisfying.
My only other choice would be to hire out Jetski's on a sunny beach in the not hopeful though.
Working in a psych hospital. It sure had some interesting moments. Had someone confess a high-profile murder and assalt of a 2nd victim to me once. Was physically attacked more times than I could count. Had some heartwarming experiences too.
Seems to me a job is like an investment - the higher the risk the higher the potential benefits.
I love my job, but it sure has its downsides too. Im a teacher, and its such hard work being abused all day by snotty kids. On the other hand when two kids walk by and one taunts his mate "theres your favourite teacher", and you know its true (because thats your most deserving student) your heart melts.
Also teaching in my case chemistry, but privately, and all students have to be serious because their parents pay, it is interesting to see people learning and advancing in life.
Administrative Assistant - Bureau of Prisons
Tres - that was your last job right? Hows the hunt going?
crumpet - sending you good will vibes
I have the privilege of working in a field that I love. Assisting individuals and familes with whatever they need, instructing in diaster work, counseling domestic violence/rape crisis issues etc. So it is diverse. and never a dull moment.
No that wasn't my last job - I was at a community college for 10 1/2 years. The hunt is going on - I worked a temp job last week but I told them I didn't want the full time job. It was a place I know I wouldn't be happy. My temp service just wanted to send out a warm body. I have an interview next Tuesday with a university...