How many here would classify themselves as Recovering JW's?

by Big Dog 17 Replies latest watchtower medical

  • Big Dog
    Big Dog

    Medical ad·dic·tion (?-dik'sh?n)
    n. Habitual psychological and physiological dependence on a substance or practice beyond one's voluntary control.

    It is very common to hear people say they are recovering alcoholics or drug addicts or I have even heard a columnist in a newspaper once refer to herself as a recovering catholic. How many here would classify themselves as "Recovering JW's?" How many here had a habitual need or dependence on the practice of being a JW?

  • funkyderek

    No, because unlike an alcoholic or other substance-abuse survivor, I am not in any danger of a relapse. Meetings aren't something I have to force myself to stay away from. I don't wake up on Saturdays itching to knock on a few doors.

    I think of myself more as someone who once had the disease of JW-ism. I am now completely cured of this disease although it has left scars. I believe (in my case at least) that having suffered from this disease gives me an immunity to other similar diseases.

  • rebel8

    Ditto what fd said.

  • sonnyboy

    No way. I was a 'recovering human' while I was going to the hall. I've since relapsed and I'm loving every minute of it.

  • willyloman

    Dubs have a lot in common with alcoholics and other addicts in that they either abuse, or are abused by, religion. They wind up in the same kind of denial, are affected by the same form of dependence, and forsake common sense in much the same fashion. It takes strength and courage to walk away. The process out is a path of recovery, so -- yes! -- I am a recovering JW. And proud of it.

  • Odrade

    I am recovering from having been a JW-- in the dictionary sense of recovering, not in the way AA or NA uses it though. Like FD said, there is no temptation to return.

  • Netty

    Although I have no habitual need to return, or dependence, I would still refer to myself as a recovering JW. I am recovering from all the hurt and psychological/emotional damage.

  • jt stumbler
    jt stumbler

    FunkyD, Well said.

  • greendawn

    I recovered long ago and all the info on the net helped a great deal to destroy their belief system and the neagative emotions associated with it. But I still wonder why psychologically it can be so hard to get over the mind conditioning and negative energies.

  • homesteader

    i would say recovered but not recovering....not one bit of withdrawal either!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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