Motive of some Posters

by love2Bworldly 47 Replies latest jw friends

  • katiekitten

    I didnt know what 'do not feed the trolls' meant until I read a thread started and defended by troll, then it was all clear to me. They are like Jehoobahs electronic toys, with Ever ready batteries in. They never shut up, and everything they write has the genuine whine of a self righteous person. They are totally humourless, they cant detect normal cues that you arent interested any more, its like they have switched off the 'human' function.

    Give me Ned Flanders any diddley day, cos the trools are way more irritating.

  • trevor

    A Troll is not a sincere Jehovah’s Witnesses but a Wind-Up Merchant who gets a kick out the angry reponses he provokes.

    For example DEFD - I notice that you wind people up with all your posts and avoided all serious questions. Yesterday you remerged with a new identity - DENNIS. Seven wind-up posts and no answers.

    Tell me I am wrong? But then you don’t answer questions, do you?

    I said on a recent post that you have the sincerity of a Eunuch in a Brothel! The people here are onto you. I get the feeling that you are about to self destruct and crash out of here. Armageddon is just around the corner.

  • DannyBloem

    yes froggie, I understand. I agree with you that there is no use in arguing with somebody that does not think and does not respond or only quotes the bible and runs away. (if he is JW or not)

    But if a JW is willing to reply, and think about the things said to him, I think he is welcome.


  • Evanescence

    Jehovah? Oh you mean God? ok yeah god's watching me but I don't believe in a "Jehovah"

    God's watching... Always watching!.......


  • zagor

    ... or maybe he thought this was sort of like and is hopping to impress potential mate with his depth of thinking

    You are barking up the wrong tree mate. OR maybe he is she, or even confused about the gender.

  • PaulJ

    The fact that "Jehovah Knows" should scare them NOT me!

  • LouBelle

    Just by the by - who posted that???? Ag even with something so simple and straight forward as a discussion forum "they" seem to find some hidden agenda.

    I post because I have opinions, whether they be right or wrong. Perhaps on the odd chance I say something useful it can be used to some benefit. And because I get "type chatty"

  • mad max
    mad max

    There is no motive: reason being is because they cannot think for themselves and have to have the org. think for them.

    Wish I was never associated with the JW, they should all be hiding their head's in SHAME, all the lies, decit, false prophet's they are.

    God KNOWS WHO YOU ARE and can read THEIR hearts, sinful, black as the pit, just like the dennis guy or girl (whoever) who posts and does not reply. They are the ones running scared. The big A is for people like you, hope to god you get thru to clean up all the bodies, (what a load of rubbish) Thank God I AM FREE. FREE. FREE.

  • LongHairGal

    I feel most of these posters are in ignorance and/or in deep, deep denial. It was my observation as a dub that many of them believe different things but this anomaly falls into the grey area of "conscience matter" (as long as you don't talk about it though). So, the dub to your right may not know what the dub to your left really believes in or thinks. BUT, they have one thing in common: they feel that as long as they are serving the true god, go out in fs, pray, go to meetings, everything is "white washed". So, to them, there is no wrong. You see? It doesn't matter to them that certain things don't add up. So, they cannot and will not relate to anybody here. Don't forget there is also the fact that many people there have spent many years and have made many sacrifices so they refuse to give up. They feel they will be rewarded in the end if they just endure. For many, enduring means putting your head in the sand, doing your "thing" (fs, prayer, meetings, etc.)

  • Sunspot

    *I* started out on H2O as a JW and didn't know what I'd "stumbled" (TM) into! H2O was a board somewhat like this. I was appalled and mortified at what most of the posters were saying---the lack of reverence for "God's Organization" and the references that were made about (what I thought) were outright lies about the WTS.

    I stuck around to "defend my faith to all onlookers" and to drop my own "seeds" of WTS faith, only to decide once and for all to SEE the documented proof that these posters were yakking about! ALL these people couldn't be wrong......could they? And so you have the beginning of my faith in the WTS "troof" taking a nosedive.

    Anyone who comes here IS taking a big chance on discovering what LIARS the WTS is! They may be very sincere in their WTS doctrines and policies but if honest---they most likely will see for themselves why we are so angry at being "taken" by mere men.

    Even the WTS says that sincere persons are not always right in their beliefs, don't they?


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