The main problem with the idea of Armageddon is that it assumes God actually cares about what is happening to human society as a whole or to distinct individuals.
There is no empirical evidence to support that notion. If one assumes that God cares now, why hasn't he already brought about changes to get rid of whatever Armageddon is supposed to get rid of, and make the world a better place?
It takes "faith" to assume that God cares or that he has in the past.
The "God" portrayed by George Burns in the movie "Oh God" is a distant one who sits back and lets the world take care of itself. If a "God" exists, this movie had a pretty good take on him.
"On the other-hand, there can be a very real "Armageddon", where the actual consciousness which is reading this right now, has it's entire conceptual world/reality and defective identity wiped away, or seen as utterly false.
Here Armageddon is an inner event, an awakening from what I believe self/reality to be, to what is Real, to what I am."
I've had this same notion for some time. The Second Coming can also be seen in this light. If one subscribes to entertaining concepts, the 'second coming' can be seen as concsiousness rediscovering ItSelf through what is known as human form when the identity held by that human form is dropped.