why is it that good people are the ones who get treated like crap?? its like you have to be a jerk, rude, mean just to have good things happen to you. if your nice then you get stepped all over. i know not everyone is like that but people seem to just take advantage of people who are nice.
bad people!!!
by susu812 21 Replies latest jw friends
Sounds like somebody is still going to meetings..
"why is it that good people are the ones who get treated like crap?? its like you have to be a jerk, rude, mean just to have good things happen to you. if your nice then you get stepped all over. i know not everyone is like that but people seem to just take advantage of people who are nice."
Know what you mean. I used to be very shy and introverted and stepped all over like dog doo doo, and also way way too honest. I have learned to not be as nice, and to tell little white lies when I need to keep peace in my life. Sad but this is the way society is.
i know what you mean but i don't want to become like them--even though its the only option. i am not like that--i'm a nice person but its like everytime i put myself out there i get screwed over...
Nice people are trustworthy, and assume most other people are too. Some would call this gullible, and that is a real danger for trustworthy trusting folks. But many people, some of whom are sincere but wrong, should not be trusted or believed without being checked out thoroughly. I believe you can retain the good and innocent qualities without being gullible & taken fo a ride.
Just don't believe people, anyone. Not without properly checking out what they say. Be open and homest about what you are doing and why. Don't let them change your personality & make you bitter. Try to forgive & you'll be freer and stronger in the long run. But don't take my word for it...
you might want to try some assertiveness training. it takes awhile to get away from that brainwashing on submission.
I so hear you susu i feel like this at the moment nothing to do with JW's this time but a family member. My fiances sister...i have been really nice to her i buy her stuff and i have her over for dinner, ive lent her some of my furniture as she has just moved into a place of her own. She is also one of my bridesmaids for my up and coming wedding. At my engagament party a month ago she turned up 2 hours late brought some friends with her turned up drunk, waited another hour till she said hello to me, and was caught on camera saying a bitchy comment bout me. I have received no apology what so ever and was told it was nothin to hold a grudge bout. So now im going to be a bitch nice people get screwd over es
Seeing humans as advanced monkeys seems to fit the picture. While most people do have a certain amount of empathy, there is always the animal competition factor.
Another factor is the subconscious. Some people subconsciously ask to be used, or they accept being used. Perhaps they do that because of feeling unworthy, guilty, or perhaps they think that the user will reciprocate by giving protection from other users. Just some thoughts, but they may not apply to you.
I've had the same problem. Over time I've learned that it is not so much Mean vs. Nice as Forceful vs. Timid.
It is not in my nature to be forceful, but life has taught me that sometimes it is necessary.
You don't have to be mean, just exert your will more. Speak up, state your position and stick to it.
I love people and I try never to be cynical. I a m an exceedingly trustful person and of course expect that of others. Realistically we can get burned by bad people. But even bad people have some good qualities. I hated how judgemental the organization is and how persons in the KH who were the same way. Two faced and back biting. Some liars and other dishonest and disloyal.. I soon found out who the bad ones were. I avoided them like the plague. Only if they approached me would I speak with them and I was polite but never would chose to assosiate wtih them.
I avoided people like that. I don't need my feelings all tramped over. I want honest and sincere friends. I have been lucky and found that most of the people in my present live are good. I am not thinking that any have ulterior motives. Second guessing people is not good either.
Trusting doesn't come easy for those who have been hurt, I know becasue I have trusted others and been hurt either by gossip or out right lies. To them I say good riddens to bad rubbish.
Not being cynical has allowed me to except people in a good way but look out if they screw with me. Because like others I have fangs and claws.