Welcome to the forum, do a proper objective research on the JWs rather than just take at face value what they tell you because appearences can be deceptive.
Hi Everyone
by Mooky84 15 Replies latest jw friends
A Warm Welcome,
My lifelong best friend became a JW recently. If only I had researched the religion properly before his mind conditioning really took hold, I could have made a difference. His lovely family is now torn apart and hurting so much. His sons have appealed to me for help, but I fear I am too late. Please study the organisation thoroughly.
Hi Mooky, great name!
Just in case you haven’t realised it yet, this site is mostly frequented by ex-JDub or JDubs that are disaffected with the religious organisation.
So, this is a great place to learn what happens in the Org. from people who have experienced it, myself include - from birth. You'll discover not only what the organisation teaches, but also, what effect it has on people, families, relationships, and friends.
It may also help you to understand your friend. I know this may sound strange, however, being part of that organisation makes a person disassociate themselves abstractly from people who are no part of it.Stick around.
Steve -
A huge warm welcome Mooky. I love that name.
Hope that you find the answers to what you seek. we are all here for you. As one of the other posters said that in the end JWs stick not to what the Bible says but what the Watchtower bible and track society says. Its etched in stone the rules, especially the rule of disfellowshipping, You come to realize what these expression mean.
once again welcome.
love orangefatcat