Let's extend real Christian love to Dennis and give him suggestions on how he can get under the JW elder poztate scope and successfully fade out of the WT cult.
Dennis Needs Our Help
by Honesty 10 Replies latest jw friends
Exactly, Honesty.
Somes we forget where we came from and how we were just the same in thinking at one time.
Love to all.
No worries. He'll come around when he's ready.
When I had just left, anyone directly challenging my beliefs would have pushed me running and screaming back into the kingdumb hell. I think it's a big step to be able to visit an apostate board, let alone come back repeatedly and post. People do things in phases. Sometimes they're feeling so guilty they're even on the board--I bet--they try to mitigate it by defensiveness. After all, it's hard to accept you've believed in a mind control cult, let alone speak against the big J on the internet.
It'll all work itself out.
When I first came here I thought of myself as a loyal dub. Though I never was an apologist on this board, the kindness shown to me helped me to see that the picture painted of folk of this board's sort was not accurate.
It takes time to get disentangled from the complex of ideas cunningly instilled in the mind by the WTS the fear of the world, of the big A, of jah. If we are to be kind to him that would help to break down the complex.
I can't.I hate the name "Dennis".
He or she found this site, so it may be a sign that he or she is willing to seek some answers. I have discovered so much irrefutable information in the past 8 months or so, when i a chance to show some evidence to someone, I don't know where to start.
I just read the last chapter of 2 Corinthians, straight on into the first chapter of Galatians (NWT) and wondered how a JW can not be see what it is saying, especially in view of the complete change to the 'everlasting good news' that one man (Rutherford) introduced in 1935.
Check it out Dennis, for your own sake. But only if you truly wish to serve Jehovah and obey the biblical command to keep testing your faith.
Dennis, even though you want me to go to jail I'm willing to turn the other cheek and give you a hug! Big hug for Dennis here ... (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Dennis)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
Who is Dennis??
-Aude. -
Thats brother Dennis. Read one of his posts here:
but there have been several more