
by tsunami_rid3r 10 Replies latest jw friends

  • tsunami_rid3r

    why do some parents make hair cuts a big issue and some dont? now my dad wants me to get my hair cut. im so confused.

  • whyamihere

    Parents like to control..or have their kids look neat and clean because it reflects on their parenting skills!

    Just remember it is your hair...want to go nuts and give it them? Shave your head! They got you to cut your hair!


    p.s I have four brothers I know where you are coming from with the hair cuts! They all shaved their heads when my parents kept on them. That shut them up!

  • Ellie

    Funny that you should come up with this topic today, I went out this morning and bought some curling tongs to curl my daughter's hair, she is only 2 and a half so I'm feeling a little bit wierd about it, feel like I might be doing the wrong thing and teaching her to be vain.

    Any ideas?

  • tsunami_rid3r

    shave head like skinhead?

    shes only 2

  • delilah

    Naw, Ellie, it won't make your daughter vain...but I have to ask, at 2 years old, will she sit for you?? My daughter wouldn't sit to have her hair done, and I fussed with it a lot while she was young...I learned to do it on the lamm, lol...and she is not the least bit vain....she was quite the tomboy for many years. Then she began acting like a young lady, after the rugby and the amateur boxing stints in high school. lol. have fun...


  • delilah

    Tsunami, GO FOR IT!!!!! or try a short mohawk maybe???? My son just shaved his off after 4 months...the way I see it, I'd rather see the kids experimenting with their hair, than other things that are detrimental......and that has always been my view, even when I was regular at the KH.....


  • EvilForce

    I like Faux Hawks on Asian men usually.

    That's when the "mohawk" part of the hair is about 3" to 5" tall. My boyfriend/husband is Korean and gets this kind of haircut and dyes it blue or red. Very fun! He usually does this during gay pride week. I have another friend who is Chinese and has one....very sexy.

    So if they are riding you to get a haircut, get one of these and you won't have to hear about them kvetching again since you are heading off to college in August.

    Besides if you don't like it you have 2+ months to grow it out before college.

  • Sunspot
    why do some parents make hair cuts a big issue and some dont? now my dad wants me to get my hair cut. im so confused.

    The closest thing that I ever got personally counselled for in 30 years, was when I was "spoken to" about the length of two of my three son's hair. This was during the 70's when every kid in the civilized world had long-ish hair. My boys would piss and moan every time I had to give them a haircut and I was SO tired of the aggravation and their tantrums when it was "that time".

    They didn't look bad, or unchristian....they just didn't look like army recruits. But I was approached and told that their hair was too long and should be shorter. I gave them haircuts the next weekend and they were upset---and so was *I*.

    I am so sorry NOW that I didn't tell the elder to stuff it, or that I thought the boys looked just fine!

    My point is.........that maybe your father has been "talked to" by an elder or two and that he could be reacting to this because the elders had been leaning on him about his "head of the household" responsibilities.



  • shera

    I'm just happy my kids don't want to look like freaks..... My daughter has done some things to her hair I sure didn't like but sometimes kids have to do what they want.For some reason .... its a learning experince.She will never do those things again..LOL!! One time her hair came out a pumkin orange.She wouldn't listen to mama,but I think she will now!

    My 4 yr old daughter,I'm lucky that I can brush her hair and make her look like she has a Sees a brush its run and hide time and screaming...

    As long as you look clean and don't stink(lol),causing no trouble,who cares if you have longer hair...anyways I don't think there is anything wrong with fellas having longer hair.

  • LouBelle

    dude you like 18 right so you pretty much have control over your own head. And just do something that looks good on you / suits you - Don't know what you look like so ja that's for you.

    Personally my mother never gave me problems about my hair - I've been cutting, curling, colouring, shaving, razoring, braiding my hair for ages. My last crazy stunt was to cut my hair pretty short ( I had really long hair) peroxide it and then dye it bright pink - it looked stunning. I absolutely loved it. Anyway it's grown again and I've cut all the dead hair out so now for the first time in 12 years my hair is my natural colour.


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