Suggest titles for next year's WTS books!

by Nathan Natas 28 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • seattleniceguy

    LOL @ Euphemism!


  • DanTheMan

    Old People Ask - Platitudes That Work

    lol, good one.

    You Can Wait Forever for a Paradise Earth My Book of False Prophecies

  • EvilForce

    "Organize, Organize, Organize"

    "We're bound to get the start of Armegeddon right one of these times"

    Stupid Answers for Silly Questions

    Your Judicial Committee - Getting the Most From It

    Newer, More True Truth Book Revision 12

    King of the North Unveiled - Godless Army of Apostates

    Doing More But Getting Less - A Biblical Example

    Your Book Of Child Abuse Stories - Don't Believe Them

    1914 to 2014 - 100 Years of Scamming Believers

  • garybuss

    Apostates we value . . . W. E. Vine W. E. VINE

    Page 59

    No matter affecting the welfare of the saints was overlooked. When any had been on annual holiday, there was always a cordial greeting and welcome on their return.

    When a church meeting was called, he always imparted to it a warm atmosphere, and spoke of it as a family gathering, and seemed to overlook nothing which might contribute to its helpfulness and smooth working.

    The periodic lectures he gave on prophetic and other subjects were designed to guide, protect and help the assembly, and having in mind a wider ministry the townsfolk were invited to attend. Sometimes he would take as a subject some of the present-day heresies whose little coteries of supporters stalk around the cities and towns of our land seeking to gain adherents. He would expose Jehovah's witnesses (see p. 121), Christadelphiansm, with its denial of the Trinity and the Deity of Christ and teaching conditional immortality; Theosophists, with their doctrine of universal brotherhood and system of investigation into the mystic potentialities of life and matter; Christian science, representing that God is mind and not a person; Seventh Day Adventistsa religion of Cain, leading the mind away from Christ to a side issue. Having thrust at some of these giants, he would say: "Most modern errors can be summed up in this way: All religions exhibit expressions of the divinesalvation without a Saviour, education without the word of God; spirituality without the Holy Spirit, creeds without Divine authority (see 1 Pet. iii. 15 and Jude 3, 21). Craving for the mysterious increases as faith in the Divine revelation decreases."

    (W. E. Vine: His Life And Ministry, First Edition 1951, Oliphants LTD, London)

  • lawrence

    YOU TRUSTED US! / We Fucqed UP!

  • greendawn

    "How to survive after the WTS took away everything from you" For those that gave everything to the org upon being duped to believe that the end was near, whereas the same old system and its necessities are still with us.

  • fairchild
    Young people ask ... Should I google "Jehovah's Witness"?

    This one wins my vote, I love it!!

  • the_classicist

    A Grand Climax by Hand: A New System-Based Sexual Morality

  • jeanniebeanz

    The Christain view of Thinking for Yourself; A warning!

    The UN; How we got away with sleeping with the enemy.

    Millions now Having Children will soon Lose Them; A Guide to Shunning

    A Guide to Living your Golden Years In Poverty and Alone

    Child Sexual-Assault; Tips on Covering your Ass

    Learn to Lie! (It's fun and educational)

    The Truth; How to Twist almost Any Scripture

    Apostates; Anyone Who Proves We Have Our Head Up Our *ss

    Guide to Bible Twisting; a facinating look at intellectual dishonesty in God's Channel

    Jezabel; Avoiding slit skirts and other slutty garments

    Husbands Ask; Why Can't I have a Blow ***

    Wives Ask; Why does he beat me? (A guide to being a proper witness wife)

    Young People Ask; Why do my parents believe some delusional old farts on life support they have never met and not the UN Website? (a guide to turning off your curious young brain so that you too can succeed in throwing your life away and dying broke and alone)

  • ozziepost
    Newer, More True Truth Book Revision 12
    From Not-at-Home to Not-at-Home",

    These from EvilForce and Euphemism get my vote! Brilliant!

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