How many of you felt superior as JW's because you had an elite level of knowledge that only the Society could give you?
Were you an elitist?
by DevonMcBride 12 Replies latest jw friends
*raises hand and flushes from acute embarassment*
Yup, I felt pretty dang special. *I* had somehow had some magic quality that enabled me to recognize God's really true, tested and approved organization while others stumbled through their lives in darkness. Go me!
What a dope I was.
It never affected me because I could see from early on that the jws weren't a genuine loving christian society. There were cliques that were impenetrable social life was impossible, and I lost all respect for them, if I couldn't socialise in their environment to me they were worth nothing.
I was considered elite, actually "one of a kind". The kind the always got those "special invitations" to meet with the cream of society in the back room at the KH!==
yes, i was. and i also freely admit to idiocy on my part.
You betcha, worldy godless people gonna die, Jw's gonna live.
One day I woke up and realized I'd been living a loony-toon life. Things haven't been the same since.
Not so much when I was a youngster but anytime somebody would start going on about their "christian faith" I'd mentally roll my eyes thinking I was a member of the "toughest" outfit there was (even after I left!).
Definitely. All my Witness friends are also elitist. Very very very much so.
I was always an underdog, ‘cause I just couldn't shut up, if I could I’d probably already be a CO. Stuff CO better say GB member. But I couldn’t keep my eyes closed, my ears plugged and my mouth shut at the same time. Heck, I’m just a human and not Hindu god