As JWs out preaching did you ever find yourselves in a critical situation?
Dodgy JW field service
by greendawn 10 Replies latest watchtower bible
A householder threatening me with a gun
A householder with a totally see through negligee inviting me in
My brother and I were held at gun point inside a home. The craze thing was he started to ask questions so we were able to get on his good side and he let us go after we place the magazines with him. When we left we did not call the police because we thought we might have a chance to convert him into a witness. When we went back the next wekk he was gone.
A householder once slapped my bum. It wasnt critical, but I suppose I have such a great ass he couldnt keep his hand off me!!
A householder with a totally see through negligee inviting me in
Please tell me it was a "she".
Hasidim territory, mob action taking against us!
householder I had been intimate with before joining the cult.
in a new york bethel minute
once we missed coffee break
Man who was nice the first time, was drunk and threatening at the return visit. He said he would shoot me and grabbed for his gun. I quietly left while he was searching for it. To leave his property, I had to walk this EXTREMELY straight and one mile-long path that went from his house thru the fields and down to the forest at the end of the fields (very isolated territory). As I had walked say 100 metres, I heard him coming out of the house, talking to himself, saying that finally he had found the gun ...... As I walked on, I could FEEL the bullet entering - but nothing happened.
Another guy talked normally, but when I said I was a JW, his eyeballs suddenly rolled backwards and his eyes went completely white, no eyeballs to be seen - and this is completely true! He was like a zombie. I of course was convinced he was possessed. He told me to wait and went into the house (how he could see with "no eyes" I don't understand), while telling me the local police had allowed him to kill every JW he could find. Then out he came with this HUGE stick, telling me to stand quiet, so he could hit me. Man, was I terrified. I ran as quickly as I could, and as I turned around the corner from his house, a man came out of the neighbouring house which was at an angle from the first one. The guy called out to me, "I am his brother, you've got to run, 'cause he ain't good or sane!"
25 years ago, but remember them as if they happened yesterday!
but when I said I was a JW, his eyeballs suddenly rolled backwards and his eyes went completely white, no eyeballs to be seen - and this is completely true! He was like a zombie. I of course was convinced he was possessed. He told me to wait and went into the house (how he could see with "no eyes" I don't understand), while telling me the local police had allowed him to kill every JW he could find.
Everyone at the Assembly gasped with awe!!! Proof again that satan hates the witnessing work and that we are in the troof, I mean truth.