Thanks for all your comments.
I do not wish to sully the good name of my anonymous aunt. She did paste the top half of the article - everything under the headings 1914—The Generation That Will Not Pass Away and What Happens Next? which I should have read through more carefully before posting. However, while she sent the top half of the article she kept my focus on the first three paragraphs, which tell their own story when read in isolation. She said that showed that while the society had speculated on various definitions of this generation over time, that it was now clearer that the Robert Wohl idea of a generation was applicable.
I still have to admit that I should have read through the rest more thoroughly. A lingering aversion to reading WT writings.
I will follow this up with my aunt in a couple of weeks. Her elder son is getting married in the meantime and it is not the time to open up old wounds.
Gopher said: "Anyone who was around the organization then who says it didn't create a big stir is simply lying."
Although I wasn't there at the time, I can imagine the impact. Especially as this is the one development that my relentlessly-trying-to-get-me-back-in family never mentioned to me. I think that speaks volumes of how upsetting it was to them.