GHOSTS, seen any lately?

by Blueblades 53 Replies latest jw friends

  • tetrapod.sapien
    Closed-minded skeptics and other materialists: some of those whom are psychologists, ex-magicians, biologists, physicists and others, have miserably failed to rebut expressly stated evidence for the existence of the afterlife - life after death.

    this victor zammit guy is already going about it the wrong way. the evidence is un-rebuttable because it is unprovable, and unfalsifiable to begin with!! it's like me saying: here's some evidence for tooth fairies, now prove that's it's false!!

  • Sunspot
    i would need extraordinary evidence from a group of skeptical scientists who conducted some double blind experiments, and submitted thier findings for peer review.

    Hi TetraPS,

    Actually, I would have liked someone with this frame of knowledge seeing these things too! I only mentioned a couple, but have had more than a few of these "experiences" in my life---and would LOVE to get at the bottom of them.

    Since leaving the WTS, I have so many questions about many things that were considered demonistic-----and now (being careful of course) I would like to look into some of the things that were off limits to me.

    I did have some experiences that were not very pleasant, and I wouldn't go NEAR a Oija board---ever. They are bad news.


  • tetrapod.sapien

    hey sunspot,

    Since leaving the WTS, I have so many questions about many things that were considered demonistic-----and now (being careful of course) I would like to look into some of the things that were off limits to me.

    same here! i love smashing old paradigms!

    incidentally, did you ever try the ouija board while blind folded, and have an independent observer record what it spelled?

  • gumby


    Why were ghosts part of the Bible-believing

    Spirits (wicked) ghosts, demons, anything invisible that appears to people ozmeister.....that's what I'm talking about. If I KNEW there were spirits in whatever form, my belief system would be put in to question and my journey will take a definate turn.

    I'd like to know a bit more about energy and how it reacts when the energy from a person continues on after the death of an individual........if it indeed does.


    Sunspot.....we need to chat a bit.

  • ozziepost

    Now it's my turn to wonder......................

    ................... how would we establish for sure the spirit realm? Any suggestions? A spot on CNN? An ad? The Watchtower magazine???? The President told us?

    Yeah, OK that last one's a No-No but y'see it's all a wonder, ain't it?

  • Panda

    I haven't seen any ghost. However I have had a recent experience which helped me to understand why people "see" ghosts. Last November my llama JR died. I literally howled at this loss. I was unconsolable. I cried even when I had run out of tears. That power of pain and loss is heart rending.

    For a few days after JR's death; when I turned into our drive I saw him. And I mean really fully there not some misty image but the real thing. I saw him waiting for me at the back door or running from the pasture. All of the things he would do in life. The images didn't last long. But they were there. And I realise that my love for JR and my mind not fully "getting it." Well so he was all the places he would normally be when I got home. I expected to see him, and so I did. This experiences proved to me that our minds are powerful tricksters... well that or maybe it's how we cope with loss. If we are emotionally wrapped up enough our minds have a way of holding on.

    The real evil is all about human beings. I have an evil brother and I keep wanting my mind to will him gone. But that doesn't always work.

  • Sunspot
    incidentally, did you ever try the ouija board while blind folded, and have an independent observer record what it spelled?


    Nope---neither blindfolded (or naked, in case you wondered) but my then-to-be hubby was there. A friend of mine told me about her experience with one and we went out and got one the same week.

    I began a "free home bible study" a few months later and the board could be seen in the top shelf of the pantry when sitting at the kitchen table. I kept hearing how I should get rid of that---but I didn't for a long time.

    I'm just not comfortable with the way "they" work and prefer to stay away from them (Oija boards AND JWs)

    Sunspot.....we need to chat a bit.

    Anytime Gumbabe---anytime!


  • DazedAndConfused

    Over the years I have had many "experiences" but most are the sort that others can explain away as nonsense. However...and my brother can verify this. (Brother = RevMalk) I once lived in an apartment and I kept seeing and feeling a presence. At first it was fleeting but became stronger as time went on. Rev and his then wife came to visit, I knew this ghost would show up beforehand but did not think to warn others. Rev's ex woke up screaming because she saw a "man" sit on Rev. I asked her to describe what he looked like. Just like what I and others had seen. Shortly after they left I had my current hubby over one evening when we first started dating and his eyes became very big and was speechless. I said "You see him don't you?" He said yes. I asked what he looked like. He described the same man everyone else had seen.

    Coincidence? I don't think so.

  • 144001

    That'll teach y'all for buying used stuff. The moral of the story? Stay away from flea markets and the Exorcist.

  • gumby
    Shortly after they left I had my current hubby over one evening when we first started dating and his eyes became very big and was speechless. I said "You see him don't you?" He said yes. I asked what he looked like. He described the same man everyone else had seen.

    I can tell ya right now.....I woulda shit my pants.....then fainted. No discussion.....just plain ass faint.


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