A Question thats troubling me........

by aud8 35 Replies latest jw friends

  • roro

    What is a "dub" I keep hearing this term used can anyone explain? By the way in regards to the preaching work it is just a show. As a former pioneer and Bethelite what was drilled into me was not that they reach people at the doors (who is home on weekdays and who wants to talk to a JW on Saturday morning?!) its that they are seen doing it. That is more important to the average JW than anything else. You have to be seen by the elders and others in the congregation in the ministry or you will be perceived as being weak. This perception will result in a casual shunning and subtle slander. Also many JW's who were reviled in the "world" like the idea going from door to door thinking that everyone that rejects them will be destroyed. Its part of the "we are superior" thing.

  • julien

    Turn on a shortwave radio station sometime.. there are dozens of religious stations broadcasting at all hours of the day, in many different languages. These stations can be heard over a huge area -- for example a Florida based station could be picked up in California without much trouble. In my opinion the stations who do this are 'preaching the good news' worldwide just as much as the JWs.. One difference however is that they don't have any 'interperative embellishment' (read: wacky man made teachings) like the dubs..

  • nytelecom1
    What is a "dub" I keep hearing this term used can anyone explain?

    Jehovahs Witness= JW = JAY DOUBLEYOU = JAY DUB = DUB

  • Kent
    Hi Aud8

    Nobody else is preaching any good news as far as I can see? What do you think?

    You're new here, so I will try not to say directly what I think. Or rather, say it in another way than I use to.

    What good news are you talking about? The "good news" that your insane god are going to slaughter 99,9% (figure from the Watchtower) of the worlds population? If you do some math on that figure, you will see that about 50% of the JWs will be wiped out like madure as well!

    What's the answer to hunger? Kill 99,9% of the worlds population

    What's the answer to unimployment? Kill 99,9% of the worlds population

    What's the answer to illness? Kill 99,9% of the worlds population

    What's the answer to crimes? Kill 99,9% of the worlds population

    What's the answer to wars? Kill 99,9% of the worlds population

    And so on, and so on.

    And - in the meantime, the "good news preachers" can walk around "hating people" like David did, right?

    I'm really happy nobody else is preaching the "good news". What I have more problems understanding, is that some potentially intelligent human being can call that crap "good news"!

    Yakki Da


    "The only difference between a fool and the JW legal department is that a fool might be sympathetic ."

    Daily News On The Watchtower and the Jehovah's Witnesses:

  • julien
    Jehovahs Witness= JW = JAY DOUBLEYOU = JAY DUB = DUB

    You could also say it is because of all their dubious beliefs.

  • trevor


    "This good news will be preached for a witness to all the inhabited nations and then the end will come"

    What book d'ya get this from - anything recent? I don't get this 'inhabited nations' bit.If the area was not inhabited they would not be nations. Far out man.

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