Hi, I'm a newbie around here. I've been reading the posts, but reluctant to step out of my safe zone. I definitely see how coming to a safe place to ask questions, vent, etc. is reassuring.
So, just curious. Since JW Land wants JW'S only associating with other JW'S. Do you have anyone you trust to confide in about your questions, doubts, fears, etc.?"
Personally, I can find the process extremely lonely and frustrating. Sometimes, I just want to verbally vent and have a friend willing to just listen. It's kind of hard to connect with others when your life has been restricted to exclusively J Dubbs.
Unexpectedly, a few months ago I met someone at work that is that type of person...they even gave me my first birthday and Christmas present. I honestly didn't realize how important it was for me to be able to just talk things through in an adult conversation without fear of being reprimanded.
How do you cope? Do you have a trusted friend, do you journal, come to this site,...? Wondering how you all manage the isolation that can come with discovering "the truth!"